With emotive faces and an approachable aura, Khanna’s Claymen evoke the human condition. Read the full article
Pour apporter un meilleur service à ses visiteurs, le musée du Louvre se dote d’une nouvelle billetterie. La réservation pour les événements, visites guidées et ateliers pour les publics individuels est temporairement indisponible. Nous vous présentons nos excuses pour la gêne occasionnée. LOUVRE COUTURE. Objets d'art, objets de modeUne exposition pour regarder les objets d'art au prisme du regard
We're challengers at heart and We're challengers at heart and builders by nature. builders by nature. DHNN™ is a collective brain, DHNN™ is a collective brain, formed by a diverse group of formed by a diverse group of people who bring years of people who bring years of experience, dedication and experience, dedication and commitment to our daily work. commitment to our daily work.
Info Produced by Incite at Columbia University, this study is the official oral history of the Obama presidency, consisting of 470 interviews with officials, activists, artists, and organizers. We helped create a new standard for this type of production by analyzing the interviews using AI models, which led to the creation of several additional interactive tools designed to browse this vast collec
Greetings. This is the web site of Golan Levin, an artist and educator living in Pittsburgh. I teach interactive and computational new media arts at Carnegie Mellon University. Projects: Flong.com Archive of Works (1994-2019) Links: Golan Levin's course websites (2004-) Golan Levin on Twitter (@golan) Golan Levin at GitHub (@golanlevin) Press and ephemera (2000-2017) Curriculum Vitae (2017) Contac
30-12-2014 | 15.44 Trouw is temporary and will close her doors forever on January 3rd. Trouw wouldn’t be the meeting place and breeding ground that it is today without the people working there day and night. This series puts various Trouw employees in the spotlight. From the light people, to the door host: all nodes of Trouw will see their place on the pedestal. Today: Lotte - restaurant employee
出典・補足 気象庁発表の『震度データベース検索』から「全国いずれかの地点での有感地震検索」の平成23年(2011年)3月11日14時46分 — 平成24年(2012年)4月30日0時02分のデータを使用。 気象庁地震火山部発表の『平成23年(2011年)東北地方太平洋沖地震(平成23年3月11日14時〜)震度4以上の最大震度別地震回数表(本震を含む)』に倣い、「震度≧4」のデータを使用。 気象庁発表の『緊急地震速報や震度速報で用いる区域等の名称(平成23年10月11日現在)』のそれぞれの区域等の中心点に、最大震度を記載。 M 9.0は、CMT解析によるモーメントマグニチュード9.0を表しています。 震度:気象庁震度階級。日本において「地震の揺れの大きさ」を表す指標です。10階級(震度0、1、2、3、4、5弱、5強、6弱、6強、7)により構成。計測震度計によって観測され、気象庁から発表されて
New cultural website created by independent city editors from Dubai, Paris, Moscow, Shanghai, Santiago, Rome, Munich and Tokyo. Brought to you by Dazed and Swatch.Rome / Culture Expanded Video A series of exclusive video art previews and live performances at the Maxxi Museum yesterday Munich / Fashion Folk Where London Meets Munich Cathal McAteer of the sublime fashion label talks about his philos