6 月 10 日午前 2 時 (日本時間) に、「Xbox Games Showcase」、Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 Direct の順に開催される 2 本立てイベントに参加しましょう。
One of the things my team has been working on has been a new view engine option for ASP.NET. ASP.NET MVC has always supported the concept of “view engines” – which are the pluggable modules that implement different template syntax options. The “default” view engine for ASP.NET MVC today uses the same .aspx/.ascx/.master file templates as ASP.NET Web Forms. Other popular ASP.NET MVC view engines
すべての Microsoft 製品 Global Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox セール 法人向け サポート ソフトウェア Windows アプリ AI OneDrive Outlook Skype OneNote Microsoft Teams PC とデバイス Xbox を購入する アクセサリ VR & 複合現実 エンタメ Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox とゲーム PC ゲーム Windows ゲーム 映画とテレビ番組 法人向け Microsoft Cloud Microsoft Security Azure Dynamics 365 一般法人向け Microsoft 365 Microsoft Industry Microsoft Power Platform Windows 365 開発者
AI is suddenly everywhere. Do you need to go and get a shiny machine learning degree to remain competitive? John Maeda says not to worry. He’ll show you how to cook delicious dishes into your coding repertoire with his new show - Mr. Maeda’s Cozy AI Kitchen. Open at Microsoft is a weekly show for open-source enthusiasts. It features a diverse group of guests including maintainers, software and Dev