Hello followers and fans, Thanks for all the kind and encouraging letters regarding Project Thirty-Three. They are much appreciated. I'm taking a hiatus for a while to work on other projects. (Check out my new site, The Peculiar Manicule.) I’ll be leaving Project Thirty-Three up of course and will likely revisit it someday. If there is anybody in the Seattle area that would like to help me maintai
HP移転いたしました https://www.gettosha.net/
Life gets crazy for everyone, and we are no exception. Posts have been extremely rare and sporadic lately, but we want to assure that Flyer Goodness is not over. On occasion, we will continue to share great flyer designs and submissions, but just not at the same frequency that we once did. Follow us on Instagram for random flyer and signage cataloging, and you can follow us on Twitter for random d
IT’S SO EASY!! ホリエビルは1970年に建てられた小さなビルをリノベーションし2018年9月にグランドオープンしました。 1Fには書店『Nagoya BOOK CENTAR』カフェ『喫茶River』。2Fにはギャラリー『Gallery NA2』フリーペーパー専門書店『ONLY FREE PAPER NAGOYA』。3Fにはクリエイティブ専門のシェアオフィスがあります。 2021年3月には真向かいの元旅館ビルをリノベーションしホリエビルANNEXが誕生。ここでしか買えない?名古屋土産をコンセプトにした『セレクト土産物店オミャーゲ名古屋』と『創菓令和元年たつの屋』、2Fにはオリジナル刺繍ブランド『Iwappen STORE』が、みなさんのお越しをお待ちしています! VIEW MORE
Joe Lifrieri is a designer in New York City.
We are a growth and transformation firm. Prophet is dedicated to helping you unlock uncommon growth—growth that is anchored in purpose, is transformative and sustainable over time. We partner with you to manage disruption, bringing the rigor and expertise required to uncover and realize transformative opportunities.