With HiQPdf Library for .NET you can convert to SVG any web page or HTML code a browser can display. The converter has support for all modern HTML5, CSS3, SVG, jQuery and Canvas technologies:
Organizing screenshots, images or photos in Finder is a major pain. Does it sound familiar? If so, we have a solution for you. Get on the App Store Try Free Trial Photo by Elle Korea “Flipping Cards” by Visualizers Singapore “Lighthouse” by Fabricio Rosa Marques Photo by SFCD “I am noonie bao” by Albin Holmqvist “Is the Sun even rising?” by Jakob Henner “Beautiful Spring” by Mark Fischoff Marketin
LICEcap simple animated screen captures * LICEcap can capture an area of your desktop and save it directly to .GIF (for viewing in web browsers, etc) or .LCF (see below). LICEcap is an intuitive but flexible application (for Windows and now OSX), that is designed to be lightweight and function with high performance. LICEcap is easy to use: view a demo (output is here). In addition to .GIF, LICEcap
RetinaCapture allows you to simultaneously take crisp 1x and 2x screenshots on Retina Macs. It's also the perfect solution for taking smaller screenshots on Retina Macs. Use Cases Say you're working on a website and want to take screenshots that look their best on both Retina and non-Retina Macs. RetinaCapture makes this easy by simultaneously taking a 1x and 2x resolution screenshot and saving bo
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Paparazzi! is a small utility for macOS that makes screenshots of webpages. Paparazzi! 1.0 requires macOS 10.9 or later (current version: 1.0b11). Older versions are available on the downloads page. If you find yourself using Paparazzi! often, please remember to donate! You can also follow Paparazzi! on Twitter.
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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/1/vmnetworks/web/zoolbox/wp/wp-includes/script-loader.php on line 706 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/users/1/vmnetworks/web/zoolbox/wp/wp-includes/script-loader.php on line 706 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly brace
2012年7月23日に Foraker Labs よりリリースされた「UX Recorder」を使ってみました。ユーザーのアクション(スワイプ、タップ、スクロール)と同時に表情を記録できるとあって、なかなか便利なアプリだったので共有したいと思います。「UX Recorder」で録画した動画を晒したりもしてみます。 「UX Recorder」はモバイルWebサイトのユーザーテストを行うためのアプリです。iOS向けのアプリとなっており、iPad版もあるようです。私はiPhone版を購入しました。販売価格は「$59.99」、日本円で5,250円となかなかいいお値段ですが、小規模なユーザーテストを頻繁に行う方にとっては、有効なアプリなのではないかと考えております。 「UX Recorder」で録画した動画をアップしました。こちらを見ていただければ、どのようなことができるのか、ご理解いただけると思い