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Welcome to the third part of my tutorial series about multi-threaded programming in Java 8. This tutorial covers two important parts of the Concurrency API: Atomic Variables and Concurrent Maps. Both have been greatly improved with the introduction of lambda expressions and functional programming in the latest Java 8 release. All those new features are described with a bunch of easily understood c
Palomino Labs unlocks the potential of software to change people and industries. Our team of experienced software developers, designers, and product strategists can help turn any idea into reality. Palomino Labs Website → Java 8 is on its way, bringing a host of new features to the most widely-used language on the JVM. Likely the most oft-noted feature will be lambdas, to which Scala and JRuby af
Monads are central to Functional programming. They are generally totally ignored in imperative programming. They are even often feared by imperative programmers. Most Java programmers either do not know what a monad is, or would raise strong protest if monads were to be introduced in Java. But, although this has not been much advertised, Java 8 brings monads. In a recent post, (http://java.dzone.c
Source Code The following code snippets are part of a complete sample available at https://github.com/bhakti-mehta/samples/tree/master/jdk8-and-guava For the sake of simplicty, I have a simple sample which has a collection of people's data. We start with a simple POJO Person as shown below for both the JDK 8 and Guava cases public class Person { private String firstName; private String
The Apache Tomcat® software is an open source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Annotations and Jakarta Authentication specifications. These specifications are part of the Jakarta EE platform. The Jakarta EE platform is the evolution of the Java EE platform. Tomcat 10 and later implement specifications developed as part of
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we write about the things we build and the things we consume I finally got to play with Java 8 streams and lambdas in more than a “Hello, World” way a couple of weeks ago. It was all pretty basic stuff—a map here, a few filters there, a sprinkling of counts—but it’s lovely to finally have first-class support for things we’ve been using in Guava for years, and lambdas make the syntax much more ters
Most formalisms in Java Memory Model are usable only as the deep reference to explain what constitutes the legal outcomes in Java programs. If you don’t believe me, go and read "Java Memory Model Pragmatics" transcript again. Most people are trying to digest the JMM rules as stated, and figure out the high-level constructions that are usable without causing developers' heads to explode. Two of the
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このエントリーでは、これまでに紹介した機能以外の、新しいAPIと改良されたAPIについてまとめています。 (2014-03-21追記)APIドキュメントのリンクを差し替えました。 目次 ラムダに伴うコアライブラリーの拡張 内部イテレーターとIterable#forEach Comparatorの拡張 プリミティブラッパークラスの二項演算子的メソッド 新しい日付・時刻API Base64エンコード・デコード 並行処理APIの改良 JDBC 4.2 配列の並列ソート RFC 4647 (BCP 47) 言語タグマッチング Unicode 6.2 サポート その他の拡張 ラムダに伴うコアライブラリーの拡張 ラムダ式の導入に伴い、コアライブラリーにもラムダ式を使ったメソッドが多数、追加されました。 ここでは、次の3つに絞ってご紹介します*1。 内部イテレーターとIterable#forEach C
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