My latest side project is Codespace. A new beautiful cross-platform snippet manager.

Foresight.js gives webpages the ability to tell if the user's device is capable of viewing high-resolution images (such as the 3rd generation iPad) before the image has been requested from the server. Additionally, it judges if the user's device currently has a fast enough network connection for high-resolution images. Depending on device display and network connectivity, foresight.js will request
Why use this plugin? FixedHeaderTable in its simplest form displays a fixed header for any valid table mark-up. This is an active jQuery plugin project so expect new features and improvements to be released. Some options include a fixed footer using the tables tfoot element or cloning the thead as a fixed footer. This plugin is meant to be lightweight, easy to use and performant. How it works. Usi
Timeplot is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for plotting time series and overlay time-based events over them (with the same data formats that Timeline supports). Here is a live example: New Legal Permanent Residents in the U.S. (per year) vs. U.S. Population vs. U.S. History More Live Examples Energy Prices in the U.S. since 1975: this timeplot shows how the cost of gasoline in the US is strongly corre
With this widget, you can make beautiful interactive timelines like the one below. Try dragging it horizontally or using your mouse-wheel. Click on each event for more details. Licensing Timeline is open source software and is licensed under the BSD license. Credits This software was originally sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of the SIMILE project. Its original author is David
CCV.js (C-based Computer Vision Library) は、オープンソースな画像処理ライブラリ OpenCV の純粋なアルゴリズム部分を一部 JavaScript に移植したライブラリです。しかも元のライブラリではかなりの仮想化・階層化されていた画像処理用メモリ管理部分を簡素化し、Canvas で扱えるようにしてありますので、現在のモダンブラウザでも動作する軽量なライブラリとなっています。 ライブラリとはいうものの、現時点はまだ物体検出のアルゴリズムしか移植されていないようなのですが、顔検出のサンプルがありましたので試してみました。 サンプル CCV.jsで顔検出 – – share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS JavaScriptライブラリの中身 ccv を GitHub から落とすと、js ディレクトリに顔検出のサンプル
Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. Works with any unit testing framework. Get Started Star Sinon.JS on Github Get Started Install using npm To install the current release (v19.0.2) of Sinon: npm install sinon Setting up access Node and CommonJS build systems var sinon = require("sinon"); Direct browser use <script src="./node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js"></script> <script> // Ac
I posted Ruby HTTP clients feature matrix which compares various Ruby HTTP client implementations, as a product of Asakusa.rb meetups. I hope Ruby users find it informative. Listed clients: net/http, open-uri, httparty, rest-client, right_http_connection, rufus-verbs, simplehttp, curb, patron, typhoeus, eventmachine, excon, httpclient, faraday, wrest, activeresource and rfuzz. Sample and test scri
While there are some legitimate bugs and differences in state handling even in modern browsers, they are relatively small enough now that you can just use the native HTML5 History API. If you intend to support legacy browsers, then History.js is your bet. This notice is here as History.js does not receive enough funding to be maintained, so it exists only in legacy condition for legacy browsers. P