I woke up this morning thinking about an idea for a tutorial, then I remembered that last week I saw a really nice text effect that the characters were made of bread if I am not making any mistake. So I thought it would be really nice to create a text made of cookies just using Photoshop. So in this tutorial I will show you how to create a really nice text effect playing with cookies texture and l
Back in 2006, when I first hit “publish,” I had no idea this little blog would outlast my attention span—or that I even had an attention span. Funny how life surprises you, right? Here’s the thing: once upon a time, I read that the secret to happiness is low expectations. Maybe that’s why this blog has thrived for so long—and why you’re here, staring at a 404 page instead of the thing you wanted.
Last Saturday I was checking Dribbble for some inspiration when I came across this beautiful design created by a Portuguese designer called Emanuel Sa. It was an icon with some beautiful metal effects, so I decided to learn how to do that in Photoshop. So in this tutorial I will show you how to create a nice metallic button using Layer Styles in Photoshop. Step 1 Open Photoshop and create a new do
みんなのコメント 頭がワシの犬は飼ってみたいw 毛虫ワニは悪夢かと思いました…w (*´∀`) 2011/03/26 もうすぐ福島で見られるようになるよ。 (*´∀`) 2011/03/26 ヘビハムスターかわええのぉ (*´∀`) 2011/03/26 おもしれー イヌ虫きめえw (*´∀`) 2011/03/27 ケルピーが混じってないか? (*´∀`) 2011/03/27 1:56 ニーナ・・・ (*´∀`) 2011/03/27 キメラ (*´∀`) 2011/03/29 シマウマとバタフライフィッシュかな (*´∀`) 2011/03/31 なんというリアルモンハン (*´∀`) 2011/04/01 ペリカン+ペンギンが一番不愉快だったw (*´∀`) 2011/04/01 最後やめて最後 (*´∀`) 2011/04/04 マザー3みたい (*´∀`) 2011/04/09
We plan to release Filter Forge 14 with new features and filters by the end of the year. Everyone who buys Filter Forge 13 after September 26 will get a free upgrade to version 14 after it becomes finally available. It will feature new Noise components, support for the latest host applications, and much more! Buy Filter Forge 13 to try the new features before they are released in version 14 Over 6
グラフィックデザインに役立つPhotoshopチュートリアルまとめ「30 Fresh Photoshop Tutorials for Graphic Designers」 グラフィックデザインは、実際の撮影画像やイメージにさまざまな加工を加えることで仕上がっていきますが、その加工工程は完成したデザインからはなかなか分かりらないもの。今回紹介するのは、グラフィックが完成するまでの加工のチュートリアルをまとめた「30 Fresh Photoshop Tutorials for Graphic Designers」です。 Design a Dark, Super-Natural Magic Figure with Fire Element in Photoshop – PSD Vault Photoshopを活用してイメージのグラフィックに近づける加工方法が多数紹介されており、高いクオリティーを
Hello and welcome, this is a quick tutorial on how I created my poster concept for the World Collabs 4 competition. The tricky thing about planning a tutorial like this is, I created the elements with the 3D shapes from Joao Oliveira. As a quick intro to this read, A World Collabs poster begins with one designer supplying some elements and the second designer adding to those elements to create a c
About Contact Is A Dating App Designed to be Deleted the Answer to Modern Online Dating?Hinge, an app created for online dating which is designed to be deleted after meaningful connections are made, offers a fresh concept of digital courting. This distinct approach was engineered with the idea that once users build special bonds via this platform, they no longer need it in their lives and can dele
We have received quite a few emails with requests about some icon design tutorials in Photoshop. I'm not an icon designer per se however I love icons and really admire guys that are good at that, including my friend Everaldo Coelho, currently working at Apple and great inspiration, including for this tutorial. So in this tutorial I will show you how to create a Mac style radar icon in Photoshop. T
Photoshop の切り抜き、選択範囲をつくるいくつかの方法をまとめてみました。記事では Photoshop CS5 を基準にしていますが、それ以外のバージョンの方は抽出フィルタなどで CS5 の機能を代替えできると思います。 Photoshop の切り抜き、みなさんどんな風にしてますか?今回紹介する切り抜きは、定番みたいなものだと思うんですけど、私の近くに Photoshop 達人がいないので聞く事もできず、もっといい方法無いのかなーなんて思ったりもしてます。この記事を読んでくれた人で、「こうした方がいいよー」とかあったらコメントいただけると嬉しいです! また、私は今 Photoshop CS5 を使っているので、それを基準にしています。CS4 以前を使っている人は、選択範囲の調整の代わりに抽出プラグイン(フィルター → 抽出)で代替えしてみてくださいね(注意:Web 用の切り抜きを前
19 Comments Thanks for the photoshop actions I like the first one Regards Great post, exactly what I needed to kick start my day. I’ve never really used the Photoshop Action feature as I’ve always done it manually (God knows why). It seems like a great collection of actions to use if you are wanting to give a the same effect to images you are batch editing. I followed a couple of the links you sup