Designing the UI of a mobile app from scratch can be both fun and challenging, especially when it comes to creating the user interface (UI). It can be a time-consuming and arduous task that requires a great deal of attention to detail. To help streamline the design process and get you started on your next project faster, we’ve put together a collection of the best free mobile UI kits. These UI kit
With Christmas just around the corner we have been looking for ideas for DIY decorations. Christmas is the perfect opportunity to practice your artistic skills. … Read the Rest The assault bike is, to some, the ultimate torture machine – gruelling assault bike workouts push your physical limits to the max. When pedalling flat out, it leaves even the fittest of users without breath – but that’s exa
In this post we release Android GUI Starter Kit, a set that comes with several button elements as well as different interface options for Android GUI. This set was designed by Pavel Maček and released especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers. Android GUI PSD is based on elements of Android 1.5 GUI and was made to help open-source community with Android applications mock-ups. Most of the el
One Ping Pingback: 10 Excellent Tools for Creating Web Design Wireframes | Tools 40 Comments Cool round-up. Stuff like this keeps me sane =) Great Post! I found a few things to download I didn’t already have. That’s awesome. Thanks so much, guys- you have no idea how much time this will save me. thnx for featuring my work here … TWICE 🙂 cheers m. Great post of ending 2009 i like it, here is all s
より持続可能で思いやりのある世界を追求する中で、植物ベースの食事がグリーンリビング運動の極めて重要な側面として浮上しています。 動物性食品よりも果物、野菜、穀物、ナッツ、種子を優先するこの食生活の変化は、単なるトレンドではなく、環境、健康、倫理に大きなメリットをもたらす、深いライフスタイルの選択です。 植物ベースの食事を採用することが環境に配慮した生活の基礎である理由と、それがどのようにして世界中に前向きな変化の波及効果をもたらすことができるのかを詳しく見てみましょう。 地球にとっての勝利 植物ベースの食事に関する環境問題には説得力があります。 農業、特に肉や乳製品の生産は、温室効果ガスの排出、森林破壊、水の枯渇、生物多様性の損失の主な原因となっています。 植物ベースの食品を選択することで、環境への影響を大幅に削減します。 植物は動物製品と比べて生産に必要な土地、水、エネルギーが少なくて済
ABOUT TiltShift Generator is a web service that adds cool camera effect to your picture on the fly. This app is originally made to improve my cheap iPhone Camera's potential. DOWNLOAD You can download local version that supports drag&drop. To run content you neeed free Adobe AIR Runtime. - going to be released on 10th May
フジテレビ / めざましテレビ 2013-2015 Logo Type, Corner Logo & Telop Design SUZUKI / Tokyo Motor Show 2011 Monitor Motion Graphics Design Cybozu / kintone 2012 Logo, Web Application UI Design 株式会社三階ラボ 3flab inc. 沿革 2008/4 株式会社スリーフローを設立 2012/4 株式会社三階ラボに社名変更 資本金 3,000,000円(2014/8現在) 取引銀行 東京三菱UFJ銀行 〒151-0073 東京都渋谷区笹塚2-2-3 エヴァーグリーン笹塚503 Evergreen Sasazuka #503, 2-2-3 Sasazuka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan
Photoshopは便利なソフトウェアである反面、あまりにも便利なので思わずやってしまいがちな間違い、誤用、乱用といったものもあります。これらのことをしてしまっているからといって嘲笑の対象になるというのではなく、こういうミスを犯しがちなのでPhotoshop初心者・初級者は気をつけましょうというポイントのリストになっています。 どれもこれもPhotoshopをマスターしている人から見れば当然のことばかりなのかもしれませんが、誰でも一番最初には「初めて」のときがあったことも事実なので、これらの間違いを犯しているユーザーを見かけたら、相手の心を傷つけないように注意しながら、上達を促してあげると良いのかもしれません。 Photoshopでやってしまいがちな12個の間違った使い方は以下から。 12 Common Photoshop Mistakes, Misuses and Abuses | Th
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
Take your graphic design and illustration skills to a new level! You can find thousands of free tutorials on every design topic under the sun, from making Photoshop actions to designing a classy corporate brochure in InDesign or completing your own vector illustration. We’ve got tutorials on all the major design software, so you can brush up your skills on the full Adobe suite or get up to speed w
I think many people out there underestimate the power of well used Photoshop brushes. A good designer can use Photoshop brushes in a variety of ways to accomplish a plethora of results. If you thought the Photoshop brushes were just for those new to Photoshop or just to add a touch of grunge to a design, you are sadly mistaken. For some good examples on how Photoshop brushes can be used, check out
TOP > Design , Photoshop > 様々な表現を可能にしてくれるフリーphotoshopブラシセット「75 Sets of Unusual Photoshop Brushes」 制作にバリエーションと幅を与えてくれるphotoshopのブラシ。上手く使えば劇的に制作時間を短縮してくれます。今日紹介する「75 Sets of Unusual Photoshop Brushes」は様々な表現のphotoshopブラシを集めたエントリーです。 Mythology Brushes 全部で75個のブラシセットが公開されていて、建物や人体の一部、警告シンボルなど様々なジャンルのブラシセットが公開されています。今日はその中からいくつか気になったphotoshopブラシをピックアップして紹介致します。 詳しくは以下 City Brushes Fingerprint Brushes
This is an example of a detailed registration form with validation, designed using CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The body of the form is given a background color as RGB(252, 228, 236). The form consists of input text fields, radio buttons, drop-down lists, and a submit button. The banner section of the form is given a background color as RGB(233, 30, 99). The JavaScript methods
What's New in Pixelmator Pro 3.5 Pixelmator Pro 3.5 Flare brings full HDR support that lets you import, edit, and export HDR content, including HDR photos and videos taken with iPhone. You can now seamlessly create designs featuring both SDR and HDR layers, all while maintaining your existing workflows. Learn more Full HDR Support Unlock new creative workflows with full support for opening, editin