Beautiful Screen Recordings in MinutesScreen Recorder producing high-impact videos automatically. Designed for macOS.
人間の動きをコンピュータ上で可視化し、解析するモーションキャプチャは、競技力向上に励むトップアスリートたちにとって大きな味方です。この分野で20年以上研究を続けてきた中村仁彦先生は、2018年、技術的なブレークスルーを成し遂げました。 モーキャップという略称でも知られるモーションキャプチャでは、それまで、人の体に40個前後、マーカーと呼ばれる球状のセンサーを取り付け、特殊なカメラを10台以上使って撮影する必要があり、数時間の準備が必要でした。 中村先生らが開発したマーカーなしのモーションキャプチャ技術では、4台ほどのビデオカメラの2次元映像上で、コンピュータが深層学習によって被験者の関節の中心位置を服装の上から推定。そこに人間の骨格の構造を読み込ませ、独自のアルゴリズムを用いて骨格の運動を3次元再構成し、従来のモーションキャプチャに近い精度で動きを再現することに成功したのです。 このビデオ
A likeness, Shading and Grooming study Based on Barbara Palvin that was developed at Snappers. Rendering was done in Arnold. Xgen for grooming
Volumetric Performance Capture of Humans with Realistic Relighting Kaiwen Guo, Peter Lincoln, Philip Davidson, Jay Busch, Xueming Yu, Matt Whalen, Geoff Harvey, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Rohit Pandey, Jason Dourgarian, Matthew DuVall, Danhang Tang, Anastasia Tkach, Adarsh Kowdle, Emily Cooper, Mingsong Dou, Sean Fanello, Graham Fyffe, Christoph Rhemann, Jonathan Taylor, Paul Debevec, and Shahram Izadi
Welcome to the Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture Database! This dataset of motions is free for all uses. Search above by subject # or motion category. Check out the "Info" tab for information on the mocap process, the "FAQs" for miscellaneous questions about our dataset, or the "Tools" page for code to work with mocap data. Enjoy! The collection of the data in this database was supported b
May 28, 2018 2 Min Read Robust Solving of Optical Motion Capture Data by Denoising Raw optical motion capture data often includes errors such as occluded markers, mislabeled markers, and high frequency noise or jitter. Typically these errors must be fixed by hand – an extremely time-consuming and tedious task. Due to this, there is a large demand for tools or techniques which can alleviate this bu
One of the key ingredients of any physically based rendering system is a detailed specification characterizing the interaction of light and matter of all materials present in a scene, typically via the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). Despite their utility, access to real-world BRDF datasets remains limited: this is because measurem
Markerless Facial Motion Capture Solution for achieversAs of July 1, 2021, the whole team is thrilled to announce that Dynamixyz is part of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. We’re very excited to join development capabilities and participate in Take-Two’s mission to remain the most creative, innovative and efficient entertainment company. It’s been a great ride since 2010, and we have finished w