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Mac OS X System Monitor and Process Explorer Tool atMonitor is an advanced maintenance tool for Mac OS X that displays system activity in real-time. It is designed to allow quick assessment of computer's state and it is powerful enough to make it a core utility in anyone's system troubleshooting toolkit. Find the other kits on our homepage. atMonitor offers a better alternative to Apple's own "Act
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Adventure Before there was Doom, Ultima, Rogue, or even Zork, there was... Adventure. This is a port to MacOS X of this popular classic, of course with an Aqua interface. The rest is still pure text... Bubble Pop Bubble Pop is a simple board game, still having it's fair addiction risk. Have a look at it and have a recreational game now and then. IPSecuritas Computer network security has had freque
Disk Inventory X 1.3 (macOS 10.13 - 10.15) Please consider to donate to support the development of Disk Inventory X! More Info What is this?Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X. It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called "treemaps". If you've ever wondered where all your disk space has gone, Disk Inventory X will help you to answer this question. For
My Projects Envy: It is an application (written in Python and PyGTK) which automates the installation of both ATI and Nvidia's proprietary driver on Ubuntu ... Evolution import/export utility: It is an application for GNU/Linux written in Python and PyGTK which will enable you to import and export (in tar.gz format) your mail and settings (mail accounts, contacts, calendar, etc.) in Evolution. ...
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This page is orphaned, abandoned, and unmaintained. No further updates will be made to this page, and accuracy is neither expected nor guaranteed. It is left in place solely for historical interest. GNU BASH For Windows GNU BASH is a shell which is modelled after the original Bourne shell, and is installed as the default shell upon most installations of GNU/Linux. This page allows you to download
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