Apache Iceberg: The Definitive Guide Everything you need to know about Apache Iceberg table architecture, and how to structure and optimize Iceberg tables for maximum performance
How Parquet Files are Written – Row Groups, Pages, Required Memory and Flush Operations Parquet is one of the most popular columnar file formats used in many tools including Apache Hive, Spark, Presto, Flink and many others. For tuning Parquet file writes for various workloads and scenarios let’s see how the Parquet writer works in detail (as of Parquet 1.10 but most concepts apply to later versio
先日 columnify という、入力データを Parquet フォーマットに変換するツールがリリースされました。 cf. 軽量な Go 製カラムナフォーマット変換ツール columnify を作った話 - Repro Tech Blog また、fluent-plugin-s3 で compressor として columnify をサポートする話が出ています。1 cf. Add parquet compressor using columnify by okkez · Pull Request #338 · fluent/fluent-plugin-s3 個人的に前々から Docker のログを Parquet フォーマットで S3 に put して Athena で検索できると素敵だなと思っていたので喜ばしいことですね!そんなわけで、Docker のログを fluentd log dr
Documentation Download Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides high performance compression and encoding schemes to handle complex data in bulk and is supported in many programming language and analytics tools.