Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell. The introduction of SwiftUI, Apple’s declarative new UI framework, was clearly one of the most impactful announcements made during this year’s WWDC conference. As a brand new way of building UIs for all of Apple’s platforms, using a coding style that’s vastly different from the way UIKit works, SwiftUI isn’t just a new framework
What’s new in Swift 5.1 Opaque return types, implicit returns, universal self, and more Swift 5.1 has finally landed, albeit slightly incompletely because function builders haven't gone through the Swift Evolution process yet, Still, we are getting another keystone feature in the form of module stability, which allows us to use third-party libraries without worrying which version of the Swift comp
Importing Dependencies Start by creating a new .swift file with a shebang at the beginning (more on that later). $ echo '#!/usr/bin/swift sh' > bridge.swift Next, add import declarations for three modules: DeckOfPlayingCards, PlayingCard, and Cycle. import DeckOfPlayingCards // @NSHipster ~> 4.0.0 import PlayingCard import Cycle // @NSHipster == bb11e28 The comment after the import declaration for
AWS Compute Blog Running Swift Web Applications with Amazon ECS This is a guest post from Asif Khan about how to run Swift applications on Amazon ECS. —– Swift is a general-purpose programming language built using a modern approach to safety, performance, and software design patterns. A goal for Swift is to be the best language for uses ranging from systems programming, to mobile and desktop appli
The Swift 4.1 compiler brings the next phase of improvements from the roadmap for generics: conditional conformances. This post will look at how this much-anticipated feature has been adopted in Swift’s standard library, and how it affects you and your code. Equatable Containers The most noticeable benefit of conditional conformance is the ability for types that store other types, like Array or Op
Swift-NIO で http クライアントの書き方。 以前失敗してたけど、リベンジしたのでその記録。 以前失敗した記事 Package.swift は以下の通り // swift-tools-version:4.0 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "HTTP-CLIENT", products: [ .executable(name: "HTTP-CLIENT", targets: ["HTTP-CLIENT"]), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: "", from: "1.7.2") ,.package(url: "https://github.c
これは Qiita のアドベントカレンダー 2018 の初日のエントリーです。 特に Swift コミュニティに何の貢献もしていないのですが、空いてたのでついポチッと登録してしまいました。 2018 年の 10 月 4 日に Prime Video のエンジニアの Simon さんのツイートが僕のTLに流れてきました。 A light-weight server-side service framework written in the Swift programming language.— Simon (@tachyonics) 2018年10月3日 Amazon が Swift 製の軽量サーバーサイドフレームワーク smoke-framework を作ったとのこと。 早速ためしてみたかったのですが、閃の軌跡というゲーム
Announcing Smoke Framework 1 We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.0 of the Smoke Framework along with SmokeHTTP, SmokeAWS, SmokeDynamoDB and SmokeAWSCredentials. This release provides compatibility with Swift 4.1 and Swift 4.2 using SwiftNIO 1.x. We plan to follow with a release for Swift 5 and SwiftNIO 2 in the near future. The Smoke Framework is a light-weight server-side servic