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![Haxe + HashLink (HL/C) でコールバック処理はどうコンパイルされるのか - Qiita](
Compile HashLink bytecode can be produced by using Haxe compiler (requires Haxe 3.4+) haxe -hl output.hl -main MyApp Run HashLink bytecode can be run using HL/JIT virtual machine. hl output.hl Dual compilation HashLink bytecode can be either run through HL/JIT virtual machine or converted to C with HL/C: haxe -hl out/main.c -main MyApp gcc -O3 -o myapp -std=c11 -I out out/main.c -lhl [-L/path/to/r
Find out more about HashLink, the newest Haxe target, a virtual machine used to develop system/server/desktop applications. Article by Nicolas Cannasse on 2016-11-22. Comments This is first post of a series of articles covering the new HashLink target for Haxe, read Part 2 HashLink is a new Haxe target that was announced a few weeks ago which I have worked on for the past year and thought about fo
Haxe 3.3 introduces a powerful and flexible new Lua target. Here's how to get started with it. Article by Justin Donaldson on 2016-04-28. Comments The Lua target is now available in the Haxe Foundation repo, and in Haxe nightlies. Naturally, you will also need a Lua installation. Version 5.2 is preferred. For Linux based systems, you can use your favorite package installer. For Windows, try the Lu
Suggest a link Correct this issueThe Haxe Foundation officially released Haxe 3.2.0 on Tuesday 12th May 2015. To read about all the new features, fixes and breaking changes checkout the Haxe 3.2.0-rc2 and Haxe 3.2.0 release details. しょーへー90.9 has also written New features of Haxe 3.2.0 [jp], so obviously a lot of the same points are covered. Python TargetThe newest addition to the list of Haxe tar
ここしばらく仕事で忙しく、久しぶりの更新となってしまいましたが、ここ1週間程時間に余裕が出来きましたので、改めて更新していこうと思います。 今回のネタはAltJSに関してです。 JSX、CoffeeScript、Dart、その他様々な言語がAltJSとして存在していますが、個人的に気になっているHaxeとTypeScriptで同一のHTMLで同じ構成をもったコンテンツを作って比較してみました。 まずはHaxe、TypeScriptそれぞれの特徴です。 2005年~(現時点での最新バージョンは3.0) 静的型付け(ただし動的型も使用可能)のオブジェクト指向言語 ActionScript3.0に非常に類似 JavaScriptだけでなく、Flash/AIR/C++/PHP/Java/C#/Neko他に変換 http://www.typescriptlang.o
Lua target for Haxe language Related project Preamble (updated 2019) Primary idea was to use LuaJIT highest(!)-performance virtual machine as a Haxe main execution ennvironment 💥 I still think this is great idea, because deep investigation shows that reflective laguages like Haxe (i.e. field access by dynamic name resolution, like var a:{ xxx } = whatever_with_fiel
Haxeで疑似乱数を生成するためのコードです。 標準ライブラリにMath.random()などがありますが、シード値を使えないので自分で作ってみました。 Xorshiftアルゴリズムを利用しています。 x,y,z,wはシード値です。UIntの正の整数か0を入力してください。 ただし、x + y + z + w = 0だと動かないので注意! class Xorshift { private var x:UInt; private var y:UInt; private var z:UInt; private var w:UInt; private var t:UInt; public function new(x:UInt = 1234, y:UInt = 5678, z:UInt = 9876, w:UInt = 5432) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z