Pattern definitions available for 50 different file formats! Free and Open Source Hex Editor for all OSes and the Web What is ImHex? ImHex is a Hex Editor, a tool to display, decode and analyze binary data to reverse engineer their format, extract informations or patch values in them. What makes ImHex special is that it has many advanced features that can often only be found in paid applications.
Featureful hex view Byte patching Patch management Infinite Undo/Redo "Copy bytes as..." Bytes Hex string C, C++, C#, Rust, Python, Java & JavaScript array ASCII-Art hex view HTML self-contained div Simple string and hex search Goto from start, end and current cursor position Colorful highlighting Configurable foreground highlighting rules Background highlighting using patterns, find results and b
Intro I’ve written before about how much I enjoy vintage software. Lately I’ve been tinkering with WordPerfect for UNIX. It’s working great, combined with Lotus 1-2-3 you can have a full-featured office suite in an xterm! 😂 Debugging These are 30 year old stripped binaries that I’ve somehow managed to patch into a working state. As you can imagine, when something doesn’t work, tracking down what
This blog post will cover some of the tricks I've used in the past to make c / c++ / python binaries smaller using x86 assembly. Much of it will revolve around the Cosmopolitan codebase, since I recently received feedback from the ELKS project that they love the code and want to hear more about how the tricks cosmo uses can potentially improve projects as intriguing as a i8086 Linux port. In many
It’s been a while that I haven’t release some stuff here and indeed, it’s mostly caused by how fucked up 2020 was. I would have been pleased if this global pandemic hasn’t wrecked me so much but i was served as well. Nowadays, with everything closed, corona haircut is new trend and finding a graphic cards or PS5 is like winning at the lottery. So why not fflush all that bullshit by spending some t
xd(1) is a tool that dumps binary input in a more human-readable format. There are countless tools that fit this description, including od(1), hexdump(1), xxd(1), and a bunch of Rust crates in the same vein, but this one has a new trick up its sleeve. A column with printable ASCII bytes shown as exactly that, and everything else as a dot, is such a strong convention that it basically defines the v
Nightmare is an intro to binary exploitation / reverse engineering course based around ctf challenges. I call it that because it's a lot of people's nightmare to get hit by weaponized 0 days, which these skills directly translate into doing that type of work (plus it's a really cool song). What makes Nightmare different? It's true there are a lot of resources out there to learn binary exploitation
はじめに 最近バズった以下の記事について、補足のようなものを書きたくなったので書きます。 上記の記事に対して「模様って何…?」のようなコメントが散見されましたので、カーネルのメモリダンプ解析経験が数年ある筆者が、わたしの理解できる範囲でメモリの模様とはどんなものかについて書きます。なお、模様とはあくまで感覚的なものなので、上記記事で扱われているかたの定義とわたしの定義は違うかもしれませんのであしからず。また、LinuxカーネルやCPUについてのある程度の知識が必要な表現や用語が出てきますが、本記事ではそれらについての説明は割愛します。 メモリのさまざまな模様 メモリの模様とは(少なくとも私にとっては)16進バイナリの文字列の特定パターンです。ここでいうパターンとは正規表現マッチングできるようなパターンのことを指します。その中の代表的なパターンを見てみましょう。 ポインタ