仕事でLensを使う機会があった。Lensは複雑で入り組んだデータ構造の読み書きに非常に効果的な手法であるにもかかわらず、関数型プログラマ以外にはあまり知られていないように思える。 そこでこの記事では、Lensとは何なのか、なにが良いのか、具体的にどのようなケースでLensが役立ったか、そしてLensの亜種について紹介する。業務でも使ってます! AIくんが考えるLens 前提条件 Lensとは Lensの使いどころ データをモデリングする場合 (とても つらい) Lensを使う場合: Lensはアクセスパスである Lensと愉快な仲間たち Lensの合成 -- andThenでひっつけよう Lens Law Monocleの便利機能 Lensの自動生成でサボる Focusでもっとサボる Lensがもたらしたもの まとめ あわせて読みたい 前提条件 この記事ではLensを紹介する言語としてS
Previously I wrote about how you can use explicit Traversals from lens to simplify some aspects of tree manipulation. I recently had another win using this, so here’s another case study! It also provides a better example for when you want to fold over things than the previous post had. Same setup: {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LAN
Optics vs Lenses, Operationally (Update: I’ve given a talk about this blog post, which can be found here.) I’ve been thinking a lot about lenses and optics. They’re both abstract gadgets that model various sorts of bidirectional processes. They are found in machine learning, game theory, database systems, and so on. While optics are more general, it’s understood that they’re equivalent to lenses i
これは、FOLIO Advent calendar 2021 の15日目の記事です。 圏論を機械学習に応用する話題の一つとしてLensで微分可能プログラミングを実装する話を紹介したいと思います。とはいえ圏論など気にせずLensを使ったニューラルネットワークを実装していきます。学習モデル、誤差関数、学習係数などの基本的な構成要素が全てLens(ParaLens)として実装できる様子を楽しんでいただければと思っています。 Lensって何? Lensはいわゆる getter と setter を組み合わせたデータ構造です。すなわち型sのデータ型から型aの値を取り出すgetter s -> a と、型sのデータ型を型aの値で更新して新しい型sのデータ型を作成するsetter (s, a) -> s から成っています。
This post documents my favorite lens trick of all time. Also, this trick works for any optics package based on van Laarhoven lenses, like lens-family-core or microlens. This post assumes some familiarity with lenses, so if you are new to lenses then you might want to first read: Control.Lens.Tutorial The title is slightly misleading and the precise statement is that Folds are Monoids, and all of t
Hi folks! Today I'll be chatting about Traversal Systems like jq and XPath; we're going to discover which properties make them useful, then see how we can replicate their most useful behaviours in Haskell using (almost entirely) pre-ols!existing standard Haskell tools! Let's go! What's a Traversal System? First off I'll admit that "Traversal System" is a name I just came up with, you probably won'
guest post by Emily Pillmore and Mario Román In functional programming, optics are a compositional representation of bidirectional data accessors provided by libraries such as Kmett’s lens, or O’Connor’s mezzolens. Optics were originally called accessors or generalized functional references and appeared as a compositional solution to accessing fields of nested product types. As the understanding o
As you are reading this post, you probably know that there is the lens library by Edward Kmett et al. which is de facto optics library for Haskell. It's famous also for its type errors. the optics library by Adam Gundry, Andres Löh, Andrzej Rybczak and myself uses different representation for optics (note: slanted optics is a concept, monospace optics is a library name). I recommend reading throug