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Posted in objective-c, style, code, and programming Objective-C is far and away my favorite language, and its base syntax lends itself to cleanliness and readability. Unfortunately, developers who are familiar with other languages sometimes come in and muck everything up. These guidelines borrow heavily from Ash Furrow’s Structuring Modern Objective-C and the New York Times Objective-C Style Guide
Written by Mattt November 19th, 2012 This article has been translated into: 中文 When everything is an object, nothing is. So, there are a few ways you could parse that, but for the purposes of this article, this is all to say: sometimes it’s nice to be able to drop down to the C layer of things. Yes–that non-objective part of our favorite Smalltalk-inspired hybrid language, C can be a great asset.
I have always been interested in how the low level of programming languages work, and lots a fair few people on IRC and Twitter have asked how messaging in objective-c works, so I’ve decided to blog about it! To understand how messaging in objective-c works, we first need to understand how its objects are represented in memory. To understand what an object really is, we need to go to the lowest-le
A few months ago, I had a look at the brainchild of a few serious heavyweights working at Google. Their project, the Go programming language, is a static typed, c lookalike, semicolon-less, self formatting, package managed, object oriented, easily paralellizable, cluster fuck of genius with an unique class inheritance system. It doesn’t have one. Zilch. Nada. Zéro. “Google – Errrr… Qu’est que fuck
概要 VimやEmacsでiOSアプリ開発をするときに「Snippetとかちゃんと設定してればXcodeほどのコード補完は必要ない」と強がりを言ってはみるものの「本当はちょっとコード補完使いたいときあるんだよね」と思ってました。 そこで、重い腰をあげてVimでもObjective-Cのコード補完ができるよう設定してみました。 具体的には、 clangコマンドでのコード補完を試してみる その結果をもってVimの clang_complete プラグインを導入する という手順で実施しました。 結果として満足いく補完環境が整いましたので紹介させていただきます。 clangコマンドでのコード補完を試してみる clangコマンドはXcodeを使っていればはじめっから入っているコマンドです。 じつはこのclangコマンドを使うことでObjective-Cのコード補完が普通にできるとのこと。 具体的には
...and not C++... A while back, the following posting was made by Patrick Naughton who, along with James Gosling, was responsible for much of the design of . Objective-C is an object-oriented mutant of C used NeXTSTEP and MacOS X, and also available with gcc. Tom Gall wrote: > Sean Luke wrote: >> Blair MacIntyre ( wrote: >>> BZZT. Wrong. Java was modelled on a number of l