Hi there! A little over a year ago, we launched Dollar a Day to help people discover and support amazing nonprofits. Although we've wrapped up, it's been a very rewarding project and year — and as part of our shut down process, we're excited to open-source the code of Dollar a Day and share our experience from the past year. We invite anyone to build their own version of Dollar a Day. Maybe it's D
FCP×ふるさとチョイス「断チャリプロジェクト」 ふるさとチョイスとFASHION CHARITY PROJECTは着なくなった服やバッグで行うふるさと納税、「断チャリプロジェクト」(断捨離+チャリティー)を新たに立ち上げました!不用品が自治体への応援につながる、そんな新しいカタチのふるさと納税です。第1弾として、新型コロナウイルスの被害が甚大な都市部の自治体への応援を中心にプロジェクトをスタートします。あなたの意思を新型コロナウイルス被害に悩む自治体に届けてください。 おちゃりティ泥棒 Target No.4 浦安市議会議員 岡野純子さん 春のおちゃりティ祭り〈後編〉!泥棒ズの勢いはまだまだ止まらない。前回のボン イマージュさんへのミッション後、すっかり気をよくしてしまったミスター・Kは、次なるターゲットの情報を嗅ぎつけ、一人で浦安市庁舎に乗り込んだ!果たしてどんなお宝が眠っているのか…
Give Directly, See Your Impact When you give through HandUp, your donation goes directly to the cause. Know your impact and get total transparency through our partner nonprofits who serve those experiencing poverty. Every donation, small or large, can have a huge impact on a person's life. Learn more.
Branding Color themes for the app are specified in this file as well. The primary color is used for the title bar and tab bar backgrounds (as well as emphasized text throughout the application), the secondary color is the background of the active tab, and the font color is for the tab titles. "colors": { "primary": "#FF0000", "secondary": "#00FF00", "text": "#FFF" } Instant Updates A configuration
The WordPress Foundation is a charitable organization founded by Matt Mullenweg to further the mission of the WordPress open source project: to democratize publishing through Open Source, GPL software. The point of the foundation is to ensure free access, in perpetuity, to the software projects we support. People and businesses may come and go, so it is important to ensure that the source code for
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Mission Applying Google’s innovation, research, and resources to promote progress and expand opportunity for everyone. Knowledge, Skills, & Learning We create pathways for people to gain the technical and AI skills they need to thrive in the digital economy. Scientific Advancement We accelerate research and AI-enabled innovation for societal impact in collaboration with university partners and the
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