How the Florida Panthers Maximize Their Workflow & Win New Clients Using Visme Converting More Leads from Existing Traffic with Visme’s Interactive Form Builder
CS 294-5, Spring 2006 Great Algorithms Instructor: Richard Karp (karp AT cs, M 1:30-2:30, 621 Soda Hall, 642-5799) Lectures MW 10:30-12:00, 310 Soda Announcements Course Overview Lecture notes Assignments Announcements announcements go here.. Course Overview From time to time a new algorithm comes along that causes a sensation in theoretical computer science or in an area of application b
The definitive collectionBuffett in his own words The Warren Buffett Archive is the world’s largest collection of Buffett speaking about business, investing, money and life. - 29 full Berkshire Hathaway annual meetings, going back to 1994, with a highlight reel for each year - 140 hours of searchable video, synchronized to 3000 pages of transcripts - 520 video clips covering scores of subjects - C
Recently I gave two talks at the Web 2.0 Expo in New York City and one for the Boston IxDA. Learning Advanced JavaScript An advanced talk on the JavaScript language. Explored functions, closures, function prototypes, and inheritance. The entire presentation was given using an interactive site/presentation (tested in Firefox and Safari). Feel free to browse through the presentation (I’m not sure ho
Keynote Objects iPresentee presents free Keynote Objects for Apple’s Keynote, iWeb and Pages! The package combines 100 easy to use and attractive objects. The background of all objects is transparent and can be used on any colored background. Each object can be changed in size, rotated, increased or decreased in opacity, fitted with shadows or even overlapped with one another to create extra effec
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November 17, 2011 Thank you for participating in our 280 Slides beta program, and your evaluation of our 280 Slides software application. On December 21, 2011 we will be discontinuing this 280 Slides beta program. Please save your presentations created in 280 Slides using the "Download" button to enable you to access your content after 280 Slides is discontinued on December 21, 2011. We thank you
Preezo launched last week, bringing another new player to the online presentations scene. Meanwhile, Google Presentations is set to launch by the end of August - possibly as early as this week. With so many services in this market, we've rounded up more than 30 tools to create, host and share online presentations. Adiós, Powerpoint! - AjaxPresents is an online presentation editor tha