all images are from flickr over the API and belong to the owners of each ones. Blog | About
●【Flickr】Flickrの関連サービス一覧 なんと、Flikcr関連ツールの一覧を紹介して下さっているエントリーを 発見。ざっと意訳させて頂きます。 しっかし、ものすごい量ですね。 これが、Flickrの人気の秘密であり、 同時に、Flickrの求心力でもあるかと。 Quick Online Tips: The Great Flickr Tools Collection ■オフィシャルツール "Send To Flickr" Bookmarklet Windows XP Explorer のシステムを使って、Flickr上に写真を簡単にUPできるシ ステム。 Send To Flickr" Bookmarkletet あなたがウェブ上で見ている写真を、そこから一発で あなたのFlikcrにUPできるシステム。 Flickr Export Plugin for iPh
Flickr's Creative Commons area back, grown way over a million images licensed by matt Uncategorized Flickr, who we interviewed last year, has reopened the area of their site devoted to Creative Commons licensed images. If you’re looking for a photo to drop into a collage, a report for school, or even onto a t-shirt, this is a great place to browse and search for specific licensed photos. We’re als
OK, as promised Flickr being part of Yahoo enables us to provide more stuff to Flickr users, stuff being storage, invites and upload limits. Thus: On Free Accounts the limits will be doubled for uploads and archiving, i.e. 20 MB a month in uploads, 200 photos will be archived and available through the site. Everyone who already purchased a Pro account at the old price ($41.77) prior to the switcho
This post is from the dark ages, when Flickr used Flash extensively. Historical interest only. Flickr is a popular photo hosting service that uses embedded Flash files as part of their interface. On every page, there will be a little delay while a new Flash file loads. Lickr removes the need for Flash. It runs within the web browser Firefox, stripping the Flash before the user can even see it, and
Holy smokes, SOMEBODY out there is bad at keeping secrets!! Yes! We can finally confirm that Yahoo has made a definitive agreement to acquire Flickr and us, Ludicorp. Smack the tattlers and pop the champagne corks! Woohoo! What does this mean? It means that we’ll no longer have to draw straws to see who gets paid, schedule conjugal visits between trips to the colo….wait! That’s not what you want