High-Speed ES2015 Benedikt Meurer Google Munich @bmeurer
High-Speed ES2015 Benedikt Meurer Google Munich @bmeurer
We’re a full-stack software development agency focusing on JavaScript, DevOps, Microservices & Kubernetes. For more info visit risingstack.com, or feel free to contact us!
Iliyan Peychev (@ipeychev) is a Software Engineer and UI Infrastructure Lead. He started as C developer thirteen years ago, when he was writing software for banks and other financial institutions. Then he became Java developer working in the area of SmartCards and Security. Now Iliyan is fully devoted to JavaScript and Front-End development. He is highly interested in Server-side JavaScript (NodeJ
ECMAScript 6 Quiz by @mxwllt WARNING This quiz is subject to dirty tricks. Do not trust the speaker. But don't be scared to answer. var/let/const What's the output? const KEY = 'white_rabbit'; if (true) { const KEY = 'ginger_rabbit'; } console.log(KEY); white_rabbit What's the output? let x = 42; if (true) { let x = 1337; } console.log(x); 42 What's the output? let x = 42; if (true) { console.log(
class: center, middle, inverse, title-page # Run through ES6 ### 2015/06/27 #tng16 ### by @teppeis --- # Hello! * Teppei Sato * <a href="https://twitter.com/teppeis">@teppeis</a> <img src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/b593af919ac846342f62d33b32beef2a?s=32" class="avatar"> * Cybozu, Inc. / kintone --- # My Favorite ES6 * Module * Iterator * Destructuring --- class: wdpress background-image: u
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This document is intended to provide consistent and helpful coding convention for ES6 code. It should be usable either in Node/IO.js or in the browser. The recommended transpiling tool for ES6 to ES5 is babel. The recommended bundler for the browser is webpack, but browserify is also acceptable. The recommended text editor is Sublime Text using babel-sublime. Other editors are acceptable, as long
From ES6 the awesome partsJavaScript is gathering a lot of attention since news of Microsoft, IBM and the Linux Foundation announced their support to Node.js just few days ago. It is overdue to bring 2015 modern language features to JavaScript and ES6 is trying to do just that. Some frameworks like Angular 2.0 are early adopters of ES6 In this post I am going to introduce you to some of these feat