Talk about Stream API difference between node.js and whatwg at #tng11 2016/08/08
Talk about Stream API difference between node.js and whatwg at #tng11 2016/08/08
A few weeks ago, HTML5 became an official W3C Recommendation. I took advantage of this event to discuss 5 interesting but now obsolete features on SitePoint. The problem is that the W3C specifications are only one side of the same coin. Starting from this version of HTML, developers and browser vendors can choose between two different flavors of the same markup language: the specifications develop
Participate: GitHub whatwg/fetch (new issue, open issues) Chat on Matrix Commits: GitHub whatwg/fetch/commits Snapshot as of this commit @fetchstandard Tests: web-platform-tests fetch/ (ongoing work) Translations (non-normative): 日本語 简体中文 Abstract The Fetch standard defines requests, responses, and the process that binds them: fetching. Goals The goal is to unify fetching across the web platform a
HTML5の仕様策定が、今後W3CとWHATWGに分裂するのではないか、といった言説が流れています。発端となったのは、W3CのWHATWGグループにIan Hickson氏が投稿したメールです。 [whatwg] Administrivia: Update on the relationship between the WHATWG HTML living standard and the W3C HTML5 specification from Ian Hickson on 2012-07-19 ([email protected] from July 2012) [whatwg] Administrivia: Update on the relationship between the WHATWG HTML living standard and the W3C HTML5 spec