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10 Nov 2013 comments Tweet On the surface, creating a MySQL container for Docker is pretty easy, but if you want to connect in (not sure what a mysql server that didn’t allow that would be good for) and decouple your databases from your container (I’m assuming you don’t want those to go away with your container) then there are a few problems to sort out. I’m going to start with that simplistic exa
こんにちは。さねまつです。 .travis.ymlのギャラリー作ってます。オーマイグラスの.travis.ymlはこんなかんじです。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 language: ruby rvm: - 2.0.0 env: - DB=mysql before_install: gem install bundler --pre before_script: - cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml - cp config/settings.yml.example config/settings.yml - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - RAILS_ENV=test bund
Overview The Twitter framework's TWRequest encapsulates calls to the Twitter API, including signing the request on behalf of the user. With Twitter's photo hosting service, and its API endpoint POST statuses/update_with_media, it is possible to post a Tweet and a status simultaneously via a TWRequest. Code Example Before posting a Tweet with an attached image, you should check GET help/configurati
A while back I described a method for creating singletons in Objective-C. Since I wrote that, Apple has released automatic reference counting. My original example demonstrated how to prevent reference counts for singletons from decreasing. While this is still a valid approach, it would be nice to not have to get involved with reference counting at all. Also, the basic template for a singleton was
Introductory examples Hello world Working with ko.observable & ko.computed Click counter Using declarative bindings and how KO tracks dependencies automatically Simple list Working with ko.observableArray Better list Combining more behaviors Control types Reference: All HTML control types Working with Collections Working with arrays, including nested ones Paged grid Creating reusable components, i
This is a simple example of the HTML 5 GeoLocation API, using the various functions within navigator.geolocation. It gets your location and then overlays it on an API. If you need to spoof your location (for example to unblock US Netflix, to use a site blocked in your location, or just to protect your privacy), then I highly suggest using a VPN. I have an overview of the best vpn services. I also