DFCI & Harvard University
- Boston, MA, USA
- http://liheng.org
A bioinformatics tool written in Rust to find palindromic sequences in DNA
Efficient construction of the BWT using string compression
Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
MetaMDBG: a lightweight assembler for long and accurate metagenomics reads.
Genome mapping and spliced alignment of cDNA or amino acid sequences
Structural variant caller for real-time long-read sequencing data
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
PBSIM2: a simulator for long read sequencers with a novel generative model of quality scores
A fast K-mer counter for high-fidelity shotgun datasets
Wavefront alignment algorithm (WFA): Fast and exact gap-affine pairwise alignment
Implicit Interval Tree with Interpolation Index
A minimap2 frontend for PacBio native data formats
Redbean: A fuzzy Bruijn graph approach to long noisy reads assembly
Slides for Algorithms for DNA Sequencing Coursera class
Exploration of controlled loss of quality values for compressing CRAM files
Sensitive and Fast Alignment Search Tool for Long Read sequencing Data.
1D/2D indexing and querying on bgzipped text file with a pair of genomic coordinates
DCNet — Denoising (DNA) Sequence With a LSTM-RNN and PyTorch & Neural DBG
A demo of the Python C API for CodeMonkeys