A simple Blink (Hello World of microcontrollers) project that also outputs blink status on serial port.
First open pi config.
sudo raspi-config
Under interfaces click serial, dont enable first option, do enable second option at next screeh.
Find your serial port on your computer (not the pi)
ls -l /dev
This will begin listing on the serial port.
cat /dev/cu.usbserial-1440
Back on the pi
echo “Hello” > /dev/ttyS0
Or over ssh
ssh pi@pi "echo Hello World! > /dev/ttyS0"
You should now see
Blink High
Blink Low
Blink High
Blink Low
Blink High
If you have your ssh key setup on the pi with the default pi user just run. This will build the binary, copy it using ssh and the executing it. The output will automatically piped over ssh and closing the ssh will automatically kill the process on the pi.
Ensure you have docker and docker-compose available.
sh deploy.sh