Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
Feb 21, 2025 - Java
MQTT is a lightweight, publish-subscribe messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is an OASIS standard and an ISO recommendation (ISO/IEC 20922).
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
JetLinks 基于Java8,Spring Boot 2.x ,WebFlux,Netty,Vert.x,Reactor等开发, 是一个全响应式的企业级物联网平台。支持统一物模型管理,多种设备,多种厂家,统一管理。统一设备连接管理,多协议适配(TCP,MQTT,UDP,CoAP,HTTP等),屏蔽网络编程复杂性,灵活接入不同厂家不同协议等设备。实时数据处理,设备告警,消息通知,数据转发。地理位置,数据可视化等。能帮助你快速建立物联网相关业务系统。
🐝 IoT Technical Guide --- 从零搭建高性能物联网平台及物联网解决方案和Thingsboard源码分析 ✨ ✨ ✨ (IoT Platform, SaaS, MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, Modbus, OPC, WebSocket, 物模型,Protobuf, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Spring Security, OAuth2, RuleEngine, Kafka, Docker)
Eclipse Paho Java MQTT client library. Paho is an Eclipse IoT project.
Android OBD diagnostics with any ELM327 adapter
100% open-source IoT Platform - Integrate your devices, create rules, and analyse and visualise your data
HiveMQ CE is a Java-based open source MQTT broker that fully supports MQTT 3.x and MQTT 5. It is the foundation of the HiveMQ Enterprise Connectivity and Messaging Platform
SiteWhere is an industrial strength open-source application enablement platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). It provides a multi-tenant microservice-based infrastructure that includes device/asset management, data ingestion, big-data storage, and integration through a modern, scalable architecture. SiteWhere provides REST APIs for all syste…
HiveMQ MQTT Client is an MQTT 5.0 and MQTT 3.1.1 compatible and feature-rich high-performance Java client library with different API flavours and backpressure support
Zeus IoT is the world's first open source Internet of Things distributed collection platform based on Zabbix, with the ability to collect, analyze, and store data from millions of IoT devices.
Event-Driven Architecture Based on Blockchain.基于区块链的事件驱动架构
A Multi-Tenancy MQTT broker adopting Serverless architecture
Open-source, scalable, and fault-tolerant MQTT broker able to handle 4M+ concurrent client connections, supporting at least 3M messages per second throughput per single cluster node with low latency delivery. The cluster mode supports more than 100M concurrently connected clients.
Released 1999