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News and comment on A4e from the Guardian

March 2015

  • An A4e centre in Grimsby, Lincolnshire.

    Welfare-to-work company employees to be sentenced for fraudulent claims

    Action 4 Employment (A4e) workers made up files, forged signatures and falsely claimed they had helped people find jobs, costing taxpayers £300,000

November 2014

  • Russell Brand At Protest To Save Social Housing

    Christmas request: who sold Britain?

    Letters: What I’d like for Christmas is a Guardian booklet identifying everything that used to be a public service or utility that is now a nice little earner for some private company

August 2014

  • Facial recognition passport system

    Is it too late to complete fundamental reforms of Whitehall procurement?

    Colin Cram
  • Juliet Lyon Prison Reform Trust

    A4e ends £17m prisoner education contract citing budget constraints

March 2014

  • Jane Dudman

    Don't forget the hidden victims in the government outsourcing scandal

    Jane Dudman

    Jane Dudman: While Margaret Hodge admonishes government contractors, we shouldn't tar all their employees with the same brush

November 2013

  • G4S staff

    Government outsourcing gets suppliers it deserves, says review official

    After scandals at G4S, Serco and A4E, senior Cabinet Office official says government should take some blame for problems

September 2013

  • Emma Harrison

    Nine A4e employees charged with fraud

    Nine who worked for Emma Harrison's training company alleged to have forged documentation involved in reward payments

  • Welfare rights campaigners hold a 'leaving party' for A4e and its former boss, Emma Harrison,

    Welfare-to-work firms to see cut in referrals for poor performance

    Firms such as A4e, Avanta and Seetec tasked with placing jobseekers in work will get fewer referrals, minister says

  • A4e logo

    A4e found guilty of racial discrimination

    Training company used by government dismissed employee on basis of colour, according to employment tribunal

June 2013

  • Hugh Muir

    Guardian diary
    Diary: A blueprint for success at A4e. You gotta have friends who've got friends

    Hugh Muir
    Hugh Muir: What now without the firm's best link to the Tories?

February 2013

  • A4e protest

    Three more arrests over alleged fraud at A4e

  • Zoe Williams

    This obsession with outsourcing public services has created a shadow state

    Zoe Williams

January 2013

  • Zoe Williams

    How to follow the public money in a privatised NHS

    Zoe Williams
    Zoe Williams: Without basic financial transparency from public service contractors we can say goodbye to democratic accountability

December 2012

  • Emma Harrison in Poole, Dorset

    Emma Harrison nets £1.375m for her role in struggling jobseeker business

    David Cameron's ex-adviser quit helm of A4e after outrage at her massive bonus pay dividends

November 2012

  • Natalie Hanman

    Debate of the day
    Is the government's welfare-to-work programme working?

    Natalie Hanman
  • Vocational trainees at A4E centre

    'There probably isn't enough money to tackle long-term unemployment'

October 2012

  • Emma Harrison's A4e

    I was 'bullied' out of A4e, claims Emma Harrison

    Former adviser to David Cameron says she was 'useful face for the politics people to have a go at'

September 2012

  • Margaret Hodge MP

    Welfare-to-work schemes worth £1bn remain open to fraud, say MPs

    Auditing of firms using public money to place long-term unemployed in work criticised as 'vague and hazy'
  • An education class in prison

    A4e prison contracts delayed by anti-fraud checks

    Extra audit of controversial service provider puts back start of multimillion-pound prison education contracts by three months
  • Emma Harrision, former head of A4e

    Social enterprise blog
    A4e is an organisation with a social purpose, but we need to define the term

    The third sector is now the blurred sector because we aren't thinking clearly enough about roles, argues Jonty Olliff-Cooper

About 53 results for A4e
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