- The 1953 Mille Miglia, was the second round of the 1953 F.I.A. World Sportscar Championship and was held on the open-road of Italy, on 26 April 1953. The route was based on a round trip between Brescia and Rome, with start/finish, in Brescia. A total of 577 cars were entered 1953 running of the Mille Miglia, across eight classes based on engine sizes, ranging from up to 750 cc to over 2.0 litre, for both Touring Cars and Sport Cars. Of these, 490 cars started the event. The smaller displacement, slower cars started first, with each car number related to their allocated start time. For example Juan-Manuel Fangio’s car had the number 602, he left Brescia at 6:02 am, while the first cars had started late in the evening on the previous day. (en)
- Die 20. Mille Miglia fand am 25. und 26. April 1953 statt und war der zweite Wertungslauf der Sportwagen-Weltmeisterschaft dieses Jahres. (de)
- Les Mille Miglia 1953, sont disputées le 26 avril 1953 en Italie. (fr)