- Die 26. Südostasienspiele fanden vom 11. bis zum 22. November 2011 in Palembang und in Jakarta in Indonesien statt. (de)
- The 2011 Southeast Asian Games, (Indonesian: Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara 2011) officially known as the 26th Southeast Asian Games, or the 26th SEA Games, and commonly known as Jakarta-Palembang 2011, was a Southeast Asian multi-sport event held from 11 to 22 November 2011 in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia. It was Indonesia's fourth time to host the Southeast Asian Games, and its first since 1997. Previously, Indonesia also hosted in 1979 and 1987. The capital city of Jakarta hosted all three of the previous Games prior to this. Palembang became the third SEA Games non-capital host city, after Chiang Mai (1995) and Nakhon Ratchasima (2007), both in Thailand. Around 5,965 athletes from 11 participating nations participated at the games which featured 545 events in 44 sports. The biggest competitor, sports, and events in Southeast Asian Games history. The games was held from 11 to 22 November 2011, although several events had commenced from 3 November 2011. The games was opened by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the President of Indonesia at the Gelora Sriwijaya Stadium in Palembang. The final medal tally was led by host Indonesia, followed by Thailand and Vietnam, while Timor-Leste won its first ever Southeast Asian Games gold medal. Several Games and national records were broken during the games. Although there were several controversies, the Games were deemed generally successful with its promotion for conservative effort on endangered fauna species namely the komodo dragon through the mascot and with the rising standard of competition amongst the Southeast Asian nations. Despite not held in the capital city Jakarta, but the opening ceremony in this edition was dubbed by international media from around the world as the most magnificent, luxurious, and spectacular opening ceremony in Southeast Asian Games history with special showcase of lightning and gigantic fireworks. Washington Post USA and The Guardian UK November edition make this opening ceremony as their newspaper headlines. The 26th SEA Games opening ceremony in Palembang was the first SEA Games to utilise spider camera, large LED screen and large-format projection technology provided by Australian-based Electric Canvas. The mass dance performance featured "The Glory of Srivijaya" as the theme. (en)
- Les Jeux d'Asie du Sud-Est de 2011, officiellement connus comme les 26es Jeux d'Asie du Sud-Est, sont une compétition multisports internationale qui se tient du 11 au 22 novembre 2011 à Jakarta et Palembang, en Indonésie. Ce sont les quatrièmes Jeux d'Asie du Sud-Est se déroulant en Indonésie après ceux de 1979, 1987 et 1997 à Jakarta. (fr)
- Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara 2011 (bahasa Inggris: Southeast Asian Games 2011 disingkat SEA Games 2011) merupakan Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara yang diselenggarakan selama 12 hari di Kota Jakarta Dan Palembang, Indonesia, pada 11-22 November 2011. Jakarta sudah pernah menyelenggarakan SEA Games 3 kali, yaitu pada tahun 1979, 1987, dan 1997. Palembang akan menjadi kota ketiga yang menyelenggarakan SEA Games di luar ibu kota negara setelah Chiang Mai dan Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Juara umum Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara ke-26 2011 adalah tuan rumah Indonesia. Indonesia menjadi juara umum untuk kesepuluh kalinya dengan memboyong 182 medali emas dari 554 medali emas yang diperebutkan. (in)
- 2011년 동남아시아 경기 대회는 2011년 11월 11일부터 11월 22일까지 인도네시아 공화국의 팔렘방에서 열린 대회이다. 올림픽 종목 중 근대 5종 경기가 빠졌다. (ko)
- I XXVI Giochi del Sud-est asiatico si sono svolti a Palembang e Giacarta, in Indonesia, dall'11 al 22 novembre 2011. (it)
- 26-е Игры Юго-Восточной Азии прошли с 11 по 22 ноября 2011 года в Индонезии. Столицей игр был город Палембанг, однако около половины всех состязаний проходило в Джакарте. (ru)
- Os Jogos do Sudeste Asiático de 2011 foram a 26ª edição do evento multiesportivo, realizado na cidade de Palembang, na Indonésia e tendo a capital Jacarta, como subsede, entre 11 a 22 de novembro. Esta foi a quarta vez que o país sediou o evento. (pt)
- 第二十六届东南亚运动会于2011年11月11日在印度尼西亚的雅加达和巨港举办,这是印度尼西亚第四次举办东南亚运动会。印度尼西亚上一次举办东南亚运动会是在1997年。第六届东南亚残疾人运动会也会在此届运动会闭幕后,在爪哇岛的中部城市梭罗市举办。 (zh)
- Die 26. Südostasienspiele fanden vom 11. bis zum 22. November 2011 in Palembang und in Jakarta in Indonesien statt. (de)
- Les Jeux d'Asie du Sud-Est de 2011, officiellement connus comme les 26es Jeux d'Asie du Sud-Est, sont une compétition multisports internationale qui se tient du 11 au 22 novembre 2011 à Jakarta et Palembang, en Indonésie. Ce sont les quatrièmes Jeux d'Asie du Sud-Est se déroulant en Indonésie après ceux de 1979, 1987 et 1997 à Jakarta. (fr)
- 2011년 동남아시아 경기 대회는 2011년 11월 11일부터 11월 22일까지 인도네시아 공화국의 팔렘방에서 열린 대회이다. 올림픽 종목 중 근대 5종 경기가 빠졌다. (ko)
- I XXVI Giochi del Sud-est asiatico si sono svolti a Palembang e Giacarta, in Indonesia, dall'11 al 22 novembre 2011. (it)
- 26-е Игры Юго-Восточной Азии прошли с 11 по 22 ноября 2011 года в Индонезии. Столицей игр был город Палембанг, однако около половины всех состязаний проходило в Джакарте. (ru)
- Os Jogos do Sudeste Asiático de 2011 foram a 26ª edição do evento multiesportivo, realizado na cidade de Palembang, na Indonésia e tendo a capital Jacarta, como subsede, entre 11 a 22 de novembro. Esta foi a quarta vez que o país sediou o evento. (pt)
- 第二十六届东南亚运动会于2011年11月11日在印度尼西亚的雅加达和巨港举办,这是印度尼西亚第四次举办东南亚运动会。印度尼西亚上一次举办东南亚运动会是在1997年。第六届东南亚残疾人运动会也会在此届运动会闭幕后,在爪哇岛的中部城市梭罗市举办。 (zh)
- The 2011 Southeast Asian Games, (Indonesian: Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara 2011) officially known as the 26th Southeast Asian Games, or the 26th SEA Games, and commonly known as Jakarta-Palembang 2011, was a Southeast Asian multi-sport event held from 11 to 22 November 2011 in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia. It was Indonesia's fourth time to host the Southeast Asian Games, and its first since 1997. Previously, Indonesia also hosted in 1979 and 1987. The capital city of Jakarta hosted all three of the previous Games prior to this. Palembang became the third SEA Games non-capital host city, after Chiang Mai (1995) and Nakhon Ratchasima (2007), both in Thailand. Around 5,965 athletes from 11 participating nations participated at the games which featured 545 events in 44 sports. The biggest c (en)
- Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara 2011 (bahasa Inggris: Southeast Asian Games 2011 disingkat SEA Games 2011) merupakan Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara yang diselenggarakan selama 12 hari di Kota Jakarta Dan Palembang, Indonesia, pada 11-22 November 2011. Jakarta sudah pernah menyelenggarakan SEA Games 3 kali, yaitu pada tahun 1979, 1987, dan 1997. Palembang akan menjadi kota ketiga yang menyelenggarakan SEA Games di luar ibu kota negara setelah Chiang Mai dan Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. (in)