Batman: The 12¢ Adventure is a one-shot comic written by Devin Grayson and illustrated by Ramon Bachs with a cover date of October 2004. It is a prelude to the Batman: War Games storyline that ran in 2004 and 2005.
Batman: The 12¢ Adventure is a one-shot comic written by Devin Grayson and illustrated by Ramon Bachs with a cover date of October 2004. It is a prelude to the Batman: War Games storyline that ran in 2004 and 2005. (en)
Batman: The 12¢ Adventure is a one-shot comic written by Devin Grayson and illustrated by Ramon Bachs with a cover date of October 2004. It is a prelude to the Batman: War Games storyline that ran in 2004 and 2005. (en)