- Ben Emmerson (Kent, 30 d'agost de 1963) és un advocat anglès especialista en drets humans i dret internacional. Ben Emmerson ha defensat nombrosos casos en dret europeu dels drets humans, dret internacional públic i dret penal internacional, la majoria dels casos defensats giraven al voltant dels terroristes d'Al-Qaida, els drets humans que involucraven a persones musulmanes i l'abús sexual. Va ser membre fundador de Matrix Chambers i té 25 anys d'experiència litigant davant tribunals i tribunals internacionals, inclosos la Cort Internacional de Justícia, el Tribunal Europeu de Drets Humans, el Tribunal Europeu de Justícia, el Tribunal Penal Internacional i el Tribunal Penal Internacional per a l'ex Iugoslàvia. Va ajudar a redactar la Llei de Drets Humans de 1998, presentada per Tony Blair. Dins el Regne Unit és un jutge adjunt del , un Mestre del i un membre honorari de Mansfield College, Oxford. El 2014 va ser nomenat assessor per a la investigació independent del panell sobre abús sexual infantil a Anglaterra i Gal·les, però va ser suspès del servei i després va renunciar al setembre de 2016 a causa d'un presumpte assetjament sexual en un ascensor a la seva oficina central al centre de Londres. (ca)
- بين إيمرسون (بالإنجليزية: Ben Emmerson) هو محام بالقضاء العالي بريطاني، ولد في 30 أغسطس 1963 في كنت في المملكة المتحدة. (ar)
- Ben Emmerson QS, CBE (* 30. August 1963 in Kent) ist ein britischer Rechtsanwalt mit dem Status eines Kronanwalts. Er ist Spezialist für Internationales Recht, Internationales Strafrecht und Menschenrechte. Emmerson vertritt seit 25 Jahren Personen vor internationalen Gerichten und Tribunalen, wie dem Internationalen Gerichtshof, dem Europäischen Gerichtshof, dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof und dem Internationalen Gerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien. Von 2011 bis 2017 war er UN-Sonderberichterstatter über Terrorismusbekämpfung.Von 2014 bis 2016 war er Council des Untersuchungsausschusses Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. Anlass für seinen Rücktritt war eine Anklage wegen sexueller Übergriffe, von denen er durch einen unabhängigen Untersuchungsausschuss unter Sir David Calvert-Smith freigesprochen wurde. Im März 2014 veröffentlichte Emmerson einen Bericht über Drohnenangriffe der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Emmerson lehrt als Gastprofessor in Oxford International Law and Security, und er ist Honorary Fellow am Mansfield College in Oxford. Er lebt in London und hat vier Kinder. (de)
- Michael Benedict Emmerson CBE KC (born 30 August 1963) is a British barrister, specialising in public international law, human rights and humanitarian law, and international criminal law. From 2011 to 2017, he was the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism. Emmerson is currently an Appeals Chamber Judge of the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals sitting on the Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He has previously served as Special Adviser to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and Special Adviser to the Appeals Chamber of the ECCC (the UN-backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia). In his legal practice, Emmerson has acted for a number of foreign Governments in connection with international armed conflicts, including the Governments of Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia and Ukraine. He has also represented several current and former heads of State and other political figures, including Mohammed Nasheed (former President of the Maldives); Ramush Haradinaj (former Prime Minister of Kosovo); Arseny Yatsenuk (former Prime Minister of Ukraine); and Carles Puigdemont (ex President of Catalonia). He has appeared in numerous cases in the European Court of Human Rights, acting for and against the Government of the United Kingdom and other Council of Europe Member States, and has appeared in the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and other international courts and tribunals. Emmerson's former clients include WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (in connection with an attempt to extradite him to Sweden); GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun (who was prosecuted under the UK's Official Secrets Acts following the 2003 invasion of Iraq); and Marina Litvinenko (the wife of former Russian FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, who was assassinated in London in 2006 using the radioactive isotope Polonium 210). Emmerson also represented Abdelbasset al-Megrahi (the Libyan intelligence officer convicted of the Lockerbie bombing) in his appeal against conviction in Scotland, and subsequently acted for Abdullah Al-Senussi, the former head of national security to Colonel Gaddafi, in proceedings before the International Criminal Court. Within the UK, Emmerson has been a deputy High Court Judge, a Master of the Bench of the Middle Temple, a visiting professor of international law and security at the University of Oxford, and an Honorary Fellow of Mansfield College, Oxford. In 2016, he was awarded an honorary PhD from Bristol University. Emmerson has been described by former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa May, as "one of the UK's most distinguished lawyers in the field of national and international human rights law". He has also variously been described as the "bête noire of the right wing press", a lawyer with a "leviathan intellect"; and the human rights industry's equivalent of trade union leader Len McCluskey. As of 2020, he is representing Kadri Veseli. (en)
- Ben Emmerson (Kent, 30 augustus 1963) is een Brits jurist. Hij behoort tot de top van de Britse advocatuur en verdedigt zowel in nationale als internationale rechtszaken. Hij wist onder meer de Kosovaarse leider Ramush Haradinaj in zowel in eerste aanleg als beroep vrij te pleiten. Sinds 2005 is hij daarnaast rechter in eigen land en sinds 2012 oproepbaar als rechter van het Internationale Residumechanisme voor Straftribunalen dat lopende zaken afhandelt van het Rwandatribunaal en het Joegoslaviëtribunaal. (nl)
- بين إيمرسون (بالإنجليزية: Ben Emmerson) هو محام بالقضاء العالي بريطاني، ولد في 30 أغسطس 1963 في كنت في المملكة المتحدة. (ar)
- Ben Emmerson (Kent, 30 augustus 1963) is een Brits jurist. Hij behoort tot de top van de Britse advocatuur en verdedigt zowel in nationale als internationale rechtszaken. Hij wist onder meer de Kosovaarse leider Ramush Haradinaj in zowel in eerste aanleg als beroep vrij te pleiten. Sinds 2005 is hij daarnaast rechter in eigen land en sinds 2012 oproepbaar als rechter van het Internationale Residumechanisme voor Straftribunalen dat lopende zaken afhandelt van het Rwandatribunaal en het Joegoslaviëtribunaal. (nl)
- Ben Emmerson (Kent, 30 d'agost de 1963) és un advocat anglès especialista en drets humans i dret internacional. Ben Emmerson ha defensat nombrosos casos en dret europeu dels drets humans, dret internacional públic i dret penal internacional, la majoria dels casos defensats giraven al voltant dels terroristes d'Al-Qaida, els drets humans que involucraven a persones musulmanes i l'abús sexual. Va ser membre fundador de Matrix Chambers i té 25 anys d'experiència litigant davant tribunals i tribunals internacionals, inclosos la Cort Internacional de Justícia, el Tribunal Europeu de Drets Humans, el Tribunal Europeu de Justícia, el Tribunal Penal Internacional i el Tribunal Penal Internacional per a l'ex Iugoslàvia. Va ajudar a redactar la Llei de Drets Humans de 1998, presentada per Tony Blair. (ca)
- Michael Benedict Emmerson CBE KC (born 30 August 1963) is a British barrister, specialising in public international law, human rights and humanitarian law, and international criminal law. From 2011 to 2017, he was the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism. Emmerson is currently an Appeals Chamber Judge of the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals sitting on the Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He has previously served as Special Adviser to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and Special Adviser to the Appeals Chamber of the ECCC (the UN-backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia). (en)
- Ben Emmerson QS, CBE (* 30. August 1963 in Kent) ist ein britischer Rechtsanwalt mit dem Status eines Kronanwalts. Er ist Spezialist für Internationales Recht, Internationales Strafrecht und Menschenrechte. Emmerson vertritt seit 25 Jahren Personen vor internationalen Gerichten und Tribunalen, wie dem Internationalen Gerichtshof, dem Europäischen Gerichtshof, dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof und dem Internationalen Gerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien. (de)