The Camanachd Association Challenge Cup known as the Camanachd Cup (or less commonly the Scottish Cup) is the premier competition in the sport of shinty. It is one of the five trophies considered to be part of the Grand Slam in the sport of shinty.
The Camanachd Association Challenge Cup known as the Camanachd Cup (or less commonly the Scottish Cup) is the premier competition in the sport of shinty. It is one of the five trophies considered to be part of the Grand Slam in the sport of shinty. (en)
Camanachd Kopa (ingelesez: Camanachd Cup) Eskozian jokatzen den shinty kirolaren Kopa ezagunena da. tituluaren barnean sartzen den bost txapelketen artean dago. Newtonmore Camanachd Club taldea da garaipen gehien lortu dituena. (eu)
The Camanachd Association Challenge Cup known as the Camanachd Cup (or less commonly the Scottish Cup) is the premier competition in the sport of shinty. It is one of the five trophies considered to be part of the Grand Slam in the sport of shinty. (en)
Camanachd Kopa (ingelesez: Camanachd Cup) Eskozian jokatzen den shinty kirolaren Kopa ezagunena da. tituluaren barnean sartzen den bost txapelketen artean dago. Newtonmore Camanachd Club taldea da garaipen gehien lortu dituena. (eu)