- The Conservative-Democratic Party (Romanian: Partidul Conservator-Democrat, PCD) was a political party in Romania. Over the years, it had the following names: the Democratic Party, the Nationalist Conservative Party, or the Unionist Conservative Party. The Conservative-Democratic Party was established on November 21, 1908, by the separation of a wing from the Conservative Party led by Take Ionescu, having the goal of creating the third ruling party, meant to interrupt the cycle of "governmental rotation" between conservatives and liberals. The electoral base of the party was made up of representatives of the small bourgeoisie (traders, small and medium-sized real estate and movable property owners, industrialists, wealthy peasants, etc.) and liberal professions (lawyers, teachers and doctors. Another important party's supporters led by Take Ionescu was the state officials and the "urban intellectual proletariat" – high school graduates who could not be absorbed by an insufficiently developed labor market. The core of the new party's political program was, as its only president, Take Ionescu, said, "putting conservative ideas on the democratic ground of the country." In practice, this political vision materialized in the adoption of contextual solutions, oscillating between conservative and liberal ideas. The party's political program, adopted at the congress held in 1908, was revised several times: in 1910, and then, in 1913 when the Liberals' proposal to revise the constitution was accepted, including the expropriation and extension of the right to vote, and in 1919 when it was adapted to the new post-war political realities. The party was indissolubly linked to its leader Take Ionescu, who led it throughout his life. First, the party progressed very fast, when it succeeded to win the vast majority of the partial elections held between 1908 and 1910, ahead of the detached Conservative Party from which it split. However, King Carol I refused to recognize this new political reality and abandon the system of liberal-conservative alternative at the government, and thus, never entrusted the task of forming the government to the Conservative-Democratic Party. In 1912–1914, the party has participated in the government, within the coalition governments, together with the conservatives, and in 1916–1918 with the liberals, and in 1919–1920, with the League of Nations. The only time when the Conservative Democratic Party been a lone in the government was December 17, 1921 – January 19, 1922, when the presidency of the Council of Ministers was ensured by Take Ionescu. The death of Take Ionescu on June 21, 1922, led to the party disappearance, which at that time was rather a group of friends than a true political formation. On November 21, 1922, the party officially ceased its activity when its merging by absorption, with the National Party led by Iuliu Maniu was announced. The most important leaders of the party were Take Ionescu, Nicolae Titulescu, Alexandru Bădărău, Constantin Dissescu, Toma Cămărăşescu, Gheorghe Derussi, Stelian Popescu, Gheorghe Mironescu, Mihail Vladescu, Mihail Oromolu, Nicolae Xenopol or Constantin Xeni. The Conservative-Democratic Party has also attracted leading intellectuals such as Professor Thoma Ionescu or writer Ion Luca Caragiale. Over the years, the party had following publications: "Order" (January 27, 1908 – January 30, 1913), "The Action" (31 January 1913 – 14 November 1916), "The Event" November 1916 – December 1, 1918) and "Romania mea" (December 2, 1918 – June 22, 1922). (en)
- O Partido Conservador Democrata (em romeno: Partidul Conservator-Democrat) foi um partido político atuante no Reino da Romênia entre 3 de fevereiro de 1908 e 21 de de novembro de 1922. Ao longo de sua existência, ele também foi denominado Partido Democrata (Partidul Democrat), Partido Conservador Nacionalista (Partidul Conservator Naționalist) ou Partido Conservador Unionista (Partidul Conservator Unionist). O partido foi fundado a partir da dissidência de uma ala do Partido Conservador, sob a liderança de Take Ionescu, com a proposta de romper o ciclo de "governos rotativos" entre conservadores e liberais. A base eleitoral do partido era constituída, em sua maioria, por representantes da pequena burguesia (comerciantes, pequenos e médios proprietários de bens móveis e imóveis, industriais, fazendeiros, etc.) e das profissões liberais (advogados, professores, médicos, etc.). Outro segmento importante de simpatizantes do partido liderado por Take Ionescu era composto por funcionários públicos e pelo "proletariado intelectual urbano" - profissionais de nível médio e superior que não haviam encontrado colocação no mercado de trabalho. A essência do programa político do novo partido era, nas palavras de Ionescu, de "plantar ideias conservadoras nos alicerces democráticos do país". Na prática, esta visão política baseava-se na adoção de soluções de curto prazo, oscilando entre ideias conservadoras e liberais. Este programa, estabelecido na convenção de fundação do partido, em 1908, foi revisto várias vezes: na convenção de 1910; na de 1913, quando foi aceita a proposta dos liberais de revisão , incluindo normas sobre desapropriações e ampliação do direito ao voto; e na de 1919, quando foi adaptado às novas realidades políticas do pós-guerra. Intimamente ligado ao seu líder, Take Ionescu, que o conduziu ao longo de toda sua existência, o partido teve uma ascensão bastante rápida, vencendo a maioria das eleições parciais realizadas entre 1908 e 1910 e ultrapassando o Partido Conservador. No entanto, o rei Carlos I recusou-se a reconhecer a nova realidade política e a alternativa do conservadorismo liberal e não confiou ao Partido Conservador Democrata a tarefa de formar um novo gabinete. (pt)
- De Partidul Conservator-Democrat (PCD, Nederlands: Conservatieve Democratische Partij) was een Roemeense politieke partij. De partij ontstond in 1908, toen onder anderen Take Ionescu en uit de Conservatieve Partij (Partidul Conservator) traden uit onvrede over de fusie van die partij met de (Partidul Constitutional) van Petre P. Carp (april 1907). De PCD was een partij die gesteund werd door de grootgrondbezitters, de adel en de gegoede burgerij. Het week qua partijprogramma weinig af van de Conservatieve Partij. Het grootste verschil was de buitenlandse politiek. De PC was pro-Oostenrijk-Hongaars en pro-Duits, terwijl de PCD anti-Oostenrijk-Hongaars en anti-Duits was. De PCD zag die twee landen als een belemmering voor de stichting van een Groot-Roemeens koninkrijk. De PCD was tegen de Driebond en van begin af aan pro-Entente. Toen Roemenië overwoog om aan de zijde van de Entente mogendheden deel te nemen aan de Eerste Wereldoorlog, was de PC hier, op enkele leden na, op tegen, terwijl de Nationaal-Liberale Partij (PNL) van premier Ion I. Constantin Brătianu en de PCD hier juist voorstander van waren. Uiteindelijk nam Roemenië ook aan de zijde van de Entente deel aan de strijd. Na de oorlog wijzigde het politieke landschap in Roemenië - inmiddels twee keer zo groot dankzij de annexaties - danig en de oude partijen, met uitzondering van de PNL, verdwenen van het toneel. De PCD hield zich echter tot aan de dood van Ionescu (1922) staande. Van 18 december 1921 tot 19 januari 1922 was Take Ionescu premier. (nl)