- The High Court of Singapore is the lower division of the Supreme Court of Singapore, the upper division being the Court of Appeal. It consists of the chief justice and the judges of the High Court. Judicial Commissioners are often appointed to assist with the Court's caseload. There are two specialist commercial courts, the Admiralty Court and the Intellectual Property Court, and a number of judges are designated to hear arbitration-related matters. In 2015, the Singapore International Commercial Court was established as part of the Supreme Court of Singapore, and is a division of the High Court. The other divisions of the high court are the General Division, the Appellate Division, and the Family Division. The seat of the High Court is the Supreme Court Building. The High Court exercises both original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters. By possessing original jurisdiction, the Court is able to hear cases at first instance – it can deal with trials of matters coming before the courts for the first time. A special aspect of the Court's original jurisdiction is its judicial review jurisdiction, under which it determines the constitutionality of legislation and actions taken by the Government. The Court exercises its appellate jurisdiction when it hears appeals from trials originating in the Subordinate Courts such as District Courts and Magistrates' Courts. The Court also exercises supervisory and revisionary jurisdiction over subordinate courts. The exercise of judicial review of administrative acts carried out by public authorities to ensure that they comply with principles of administrative law is an aspect of the Court's supervisory jurisdiction. Under the principles of stare decisis (judicial precedent), the High Court is bound by decisions of the Court of Appeal. In turn, decisions of the High Court must be followed by District Courts and Magistrates' Courts. On the other hand, a Judge of the High Court is not bound by previous decisions by other High Court Judges. As a matter of comity, though, a Court will generally not depart from a previous decision unless there is a good reason to do so. If there are conflicting High Court decisions, it is up to the Court of Appeal to decide which decision is correct. (en)
- La High Court of the Republic of Singapore (littéralement, la « Haute Cour de la République de Singapour ») est la chambre basse de la Cour suprême de Singapour, la haute étant la (« Cour d'appel de Singapour »). Elle est constituée d'un juge en chef et de juges affectés à la Cour suprême. Des commissaires judiciaires sont régulièrement appointés pour aider les juges dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions. Il existe également deux cours spécialisées, l’Admiralty Court (« Cour de l'Amirauté ») et l’Intellectual Property Court (« Cour de la Propriété intellectuelle »). La High Court est abritée par le même immeuble que la cour suprême. La High Court peut entendre des causes civiles dont le montant en jeu dépasse les 250 000 S$. Dans le cas d'un héritage, la High Court entendra les plaignants si le montant en jeu excèdede 3 millions S$. De plus, elle entend les causes familiales impliquant des biens dépassant une valeur de 1,5 million S$. Les causes criminelles qui peuvent mener à la peine de mort ou à au moins 10 ans d'emprisonnement sont aussi entendues par la High Court. (fr)
- The High Court of Singapore is the lower division of the Supreme Court of Singapore, the upper division being the Court of Appeal. It consists of the chief justice and the judges of the High Court. Judicial Commissioners are often appointed to assist with the Court's caseload. There are two specialist commercial courts, the Admiralty Court and the Intellectual Property Court, and a number of judges are designated to hear arbitration-related matters. In 2015, the Singapore International Commercial Court was established as part of the Supreme Court of Singapore, and is a division of the High Court. The other divisions of the high court are the General Division, the Appellate Division, and the Family Division. The seat of the High Court is the Supreme Court Building. (en)
- La High Court of the Republic of Singapore (littéralement, la « Haute Cour de la République de Singapour ») est la chambre basse de la Cour suprême de Singapour, la haute étant la (« Cour d'appel de Singapour »). Elle est constituée d'un juge en chef et de juges affectés à la Cour suprême. Des commissaires judiciaires sont régulièrement appointés pour aider les juges dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions. Il existe également deux cours spécialisées, l’Admiralty Court (« Cour de l'Amirauté ») et l’Intellectual Property Court (« Cour de la Propriété intellectuelle »). La High Court est abritée par le même immeuble que la cour suprême. (fr)