- The Houston Oilers were a professional American football team that played in Houston from its founding in 1960 to 1996 before relocating to Memphis, and later Nashville, Tennessee becoming the Tennessee Titans. The Oilers began play in 1960 as a charter member of the American Football League (AFL). The team won two AFL championships before joining the NFL as part of the AFL–NFL merger in the late 1960s. The Oilers competed in the AFL's East division – along with the Buffalo Bills, the New York Jets and the Boston Patriots – before the merger, after which they joined the newly formed AFC Central. Throughout their existence the team was owned by Bud Adams. For the majority of their time in Houston, the team played their home games at the Astrodome, while Jeppesen Stadium and Rice Stadium hosted the team for their first eight years. The Houston Oilers were the first champions of the American Football League, winning the 1960 and 1961 contests, but they never won another championship. The Oilers appeared in the 1962 AFL Championship, losing in double overtime to their in-state rivals, the Dallas Texans (now the Kansas City Chiefs); they also won the AFL East Division title in 1967 and qualified for the AFL Playoffs in 1969, both times losing to the Oakland Raiders. From 1978 to 1980, the Oilers, led by Bum Phillips and in the midst of the Luv Ya Blue campaign, appeared in the 1978 and 1979 AFC Championship Games, but lost both. The Oilers were a consistent playoff team from 1987 to 1993, an era that included both of the team's only division titles (1991 and 1993), as well as the dubious distinction of being on the losing end of the largest comeback in NFL history. For the rest of the Oilers' time in Houston, however, they compiled losing seasons in almost every other year. The Houston Oilers' main colors were Columbia blue and white, with scarlet trim, while their logo was a simple derrick. Oilers jerseys were always Columbia blue for home and white for away. The helmet color was Columbia blue with a white derrick from 1960 through 1965, silver with a Columbia blue derrick from 1966 through 1971, and Columbia blue with a white and scarlet derrick from 1972 through 1974, before changing to a white helmet with a Columbia blue derrick beginning in 1975 and lasting the remainder of the team's time in Houston. Owner Bud Adams, who had openly threatened to move the team since the late 1980s, relocated the Houston Oilers to Tennessee after the 1996 season, where they were known as the Tennessee Oilers for the 1997 and 1998 seasons. The Tennessee Oilers played the 1997 season in Memphis before moving to Nashville in 1998. In 1999, to coincide with the opening of their new stadium, Adams changed the team name to the Tennessee Titans and the color scheme from Columbia Blue, Scarlet, and White to Titans Blue, Navy, White, and Silver with scarlet accents. The franchise retained the Houston Oilers' team history and records, while the team name was officially retired by then-NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue, thus preventing a future Houston, Texas NFL team from using the Houston Oilers' name. The NFL returned to Houston, Texas in 2002 with a new franchise, the Houston Texans. (en)
- Les Oilers de Houston (en anglais : Houston Oilers) était le nom que portait la franchise NFL des Titans du Tennessee (Tennessee Titans) depuis sa création en 1960 et 1997, date de son déménagement dans le Tennessee et de son changement de nom.
* Portail du football américain
* Portail de Houston (fr)
- La franchigia professionistica di football americano denominata Tennessee Titans era in origine chiamata Houston Oilers. Con sede a Houston, Texas, la squadra iniziò a giocare nel 1960 come uno dei membri fondatori della American Football League. Gli Oilers vinsero i primi due campionati AFL della storia, prima di confluire nella National Football League dopo la fusione tra le due leghe. Gli Oilers competevano nella East Division (assieme a Buffalo, New York e Boston) della AFL prima della fusione, dopo di che furono inseriti nella nuova AFC Central. Per tutta la loro esistenza gli Oilers sono stati posseduti da Bud Adams e hanno giocato le loro gara casalinghe all'Astrodome per la maggior parte della loro permanenza a Houston (Jeppesen Stadium e Rice Stadium ospitarono la squadra per i suoi primi otto anni). Gli Oilers sono stati i primi campioni della American Football League, vincendo i titoli del 1960 e 1961, ma non vinsero più alcun altro campionato. Apparvero nella finale del campionato AFL del 1962, ma persero dopo un doppio tempo supplentare contro i loro rivali statali, i Dallas Texans; vinsero il titolo della AFL East Division title nel 1967 e si qualificarono per i playoff nel 1969, perdendo in entrambi i casi con gli Oakland Raiders. Dal 1978 al 1980, gli Oilers, allenati da e nel mezzo della campagna chiamata Luv Ya Blue campaign, raggiunsero le finali della AFC, perdendo in entrambi i casi. Gli Oilers furono stabilmente una contendente per i playoff dal 1987 al 1993, un'epoca che li vide conquistare gli unici due titoli di division della loro storia nella NFL (1991 and 1993), oltre alla dubbia distinzione di essere dalla parte degli sconfitti nella più larga rimonta della storia della NFL. Per il resto della loro permanenza a Houston, gli Oilers si trovarono quasi sempre nella seconda division più ostica della lega e, ad eccezione delle annate appena menzionate, ebbero quasi sempre record negativi. I colori principali della squadra erano l'azzurro (denominato Columbia blue) e il bianco, accompagnati da dettagli rossi. Il logo degli Oilers era un semplice derrick. In casa hanno sempre indossato maglie azzurre e in trasferta bianche. Il casco fu azzurro con un derrick bianco dal 1960 al 1965, argento con un derrick azzurro dal 1966 al 1971, azzurro con un derrick bianco e rosso dal 1972 al 1974, prima di passare al casco bianco con derrick azzurro che li accompagnò dal 1995 alla fine della loro permanenza a Houston. Il proprietario Bud Adams trasferì gli Oilers a Nashville, Tennessee, dove furono conosciuti come Tennessee Oilers nelle stagioni 1997 e 1998. Nel 1999, Adams cambiò il nome in Tennessee Titans e i colori in blu, azzurro e bianco. I nuovi Titans mantennero la storia e i record di franchigia degli Oilers, mentre il nome e i colori furono ufficialmente ritirati dal commissioner della NFL Paul Tagliabue. (it)