Irumbukkottai Murattu Singam (transl. Brute Lion from Iron fort) is a 2010 Indian Tamil-language Western comedy film directed by Chimbu Deven, starring choreographer-turned-actor Raghava Lawrence, Padmapriya, Lakshmi Rai, and Sandhya alongside an ensemble supporting cast including Nassar, Sai Kumar, and M. S. Baskar. The film is a "western adventure comedy film" based on cowboy stories, which is set in the 19th century paying homages to many western films. The film's shooting commenced in April 2009 and was released on 7 May 2010 to mixed reviews. In Tamil cinema, after the movie Ganga (1972) starring Jaishankar, this is a full-length Western being taken after 38 years. The film comically highlights the current world politics.