- En hispana Pelayo Pérez Correa kaj en portugala Paio Peres Correia) (1205 - 1275), estis elstara konkerinto kristana mezepoka el Portugalio kaj el Hispanio. (eo)
- Paio Peres Correia (in Spanien Pelayo Pérez Correa, * 1205 in Monte de Fralães; † 10. Februar 1275 in Uclés) war ein portugiesischer Ritter. Correia wurde 1242 Großmeister des Santiagoordens. Im Zuge der Reconquista nahm er für seinen portugiesischen König Sancho II. den Mauren weite Gebiete an der Algarve ab, darunter Silves. Im portugiesischen Bürgerkrieg 1246/1247 um die Absetzung Sanchos II. und der folgenden Thronbesteigung durch Sanchos Bruders D.Afonso III. unterstützte Correia den neuen König Afonso III. Dieser gewährte dem Santiago-Orden Correias daraufhin weitreichende Privilegien, jedoch nahm der König dem Orden später wieder alle Rechte u. a. über Tavira, Cacela und Castro Marim, nachdem er die Kontrolle der gesamten Algarve erlangt hatte, und sie der portugiesischen Krone dauerhaft zu sichern suchte. Nationaldichter Luís de Camões besang Correia in seinem Hauptwerk Die Lusiaden, insbesondere als unerschrockenen Eroberer von Silves (Strophe 26, achter Gesang). Eine Reihe Straßen, Schulen und Plätze in Portugal tragen den Namen Paio Peres Correias. Auch die Gemeinden Paio Pires und Samora Correia sind nach ihm benannt, und eine Statue des Ritters ist in Samora Correia aufgestellt. (de)
- Pelayo Pérez Correa (en portugués, Paio Peres Correia) (1205 Monte de Fralães[cita requerida] – 11/17 de enero de 1275) fue un notable conquistador medieval portugués que llegó a ser maestre de la Orden de Santiago. Era hijo de y Dordia Pires de Aguiar y primo hermano de Gonzalo Anes do Vinhal. (es)
- D. Paio Peres Correia was a Portuguese warrior who played an important role in the thirteenth-century Reconquista. He was born c. 1205, in Monte de Fralães, a civil parish in the municipality of Barcelos. He went to Uclés, then the seat of the Order of Santiago, very young. His career path took him back to Portugal, where he became comendador of Alcácer, i.e. the leader of the Portuguese knight-friars of Santiago, in 1232. In close collaboration with Sancho II of Portugal, the knight-friars conducted several campaigns against the Moors in the region of Alentejo. These events are ill-documented, but it seems that the initial focus was on the castle of Aljustrel, which fell before March 1235. Form there he fortified a hill in Padrões and manned it with 40 knights which ravaged the defences of Mértola, a stronghold of real strategic importance as it gave access to the mouth of the Guadiana. Eventually, Mértola fell to the knights-friar which were under the command of his cousin . He then went southwards to the Algarve conquering Cacela and Tavira. In 1242, in Mérida he became Grand-Master of the military Order of Santiago until the rest of his life. As such, he became an asset in the reconquering efforts of Ferdinand III of Castile. He guided his son, the prince of Castile, the future Alfonso X, in the conquest of Murcia. According to the Crónica da Conquista do Algarve, during the reign of Afonso III of Portugal, he is said to have returned to Algarve, where he took part in the capture of Faro in 1249, thus completing the Portuguese conquest of the last part of the Algarve still in Moorish hands. D. Paio Peres Correia is remembered in the place names and street names in many cities and towns in Portugal as Lisbon, Setúbal, Silves, and Tavira, and in Spain as Seville (Triana quarter). In Portugal, the parish of Aldeia de Paio Pires, in Seixal, and the town of in Benavente claim to be named after him, although there is no evidence for this. (en)
- Paio Peres Correia (em castelhano: Pelayo Pérez Correa; c. 1205 — janeiro de 1275) foi Mestre da Ordem de Santiago, tendo conduzido uma campanha militar contra os mouros no Algarve, que culminou com a tomada de Silves, deixando ao rei Afonso III de Portugal a tarefa de conquistar as últimas bolsas de resistência em 1249. (pt)
- En hispana Pelayo Pérez Correa kaj en portugala Paio Peres Correia) (1205 - 1275), estis elstara konkerinto kristana mezepoka el Portugalio kaj el Hispanio. (eo)
- Pelayo Pérez Correa (en portugués, Paio Peres Correia) (1205 Monte de Fralães[cita requerida] – 11/17 de enero de 1275) fue un notable conquistador medieval portugués que llegó a ser maestre de la Orden de Santiago. Era hijo de y Dordia Pires de Aguiar y primo hermano de Gonzalo Anes do Vinhal. (es)
- Paio Peres Correia (em castelhano: Pelayo Pérez Correa; c. 1205 — janeiro de 1275) foi Mestre da Ordem de Santiago, tendo conduzido uma campanha militar contra os mouros no Algarve, que culminou com a tomada de Silves, deixando ao rei Afonso III de Portugal a tarefa de conquistar as últimas bolsas de resistência em 1249. (pt)
- Paio Peres Correia (in Spanien Pelayo Pérez Correa, * 1205 in Monte de Fralães; † 10. Februar 1275 in Uclés) war ein portugiesischer Ritter. Correia wurde 1242 Großmeister des Santiagoordens. Im Zuge der Reconquista nahm er für seinen portugiesischen König Sancho II. den Mauren weite Gebiete an der Algarve ab, darunter Silves. (de)
- D. Paio Peres Correia was a Portuguese warrior who played an important role in the thirteenth-century Reconquista. He was born c. 1205, in Monte de Fralães, a civil parish in the municipality of Barcelos. In 1242, in Mérida he became Grand-Master of the military Order of Santiago until the rest of his life. As such, he became an asset in the reconquering efforts of Ferdinand III of Castile. He guided his son, the prince of Castile, the future Alfonso X, in the conquest of Murcia. (en)