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About: Puy (society)

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A puy or pui was a society, often organised as a guild or confraternity, sometimes along religious (Catholic) lines, for the patronisation of music and poetry, typically through the holding of competitions. The term puy derives from the Latin podium, meaning "a place to stand", referring probably to a raised platform from which either the contests delivered their works or the judges listened to them. Puys were established in many cities in northern and central France, the Low Countries, and even England during the High Middle Ages and the Renaissance, usually encouraging composition in the Old French language, but also in Latin and Occitan.

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  • Ein Puy (mfrz. puy „Anhöhe“ zu lat. podium „Ehrenplatz“) war eine im Langue-d’oïl-Sprachraum seit dem 13. Jahrhundert verbreitete Form von halbliterarischen, halbreligiösen Kulturgesellschaften, die Dichtkunst, Musik und Theater pflegten. Es ist unklar, ob sich der Begriff von der erhöhten Plattform ableitet, auf der die vorgetragenen Gedichte und Stücke inszeniert wurden, oder von der Stadt Le Puy-en-Velay in der Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in der bereits sehr früh eine literarische Gesellschaft existierte. Die Wurzel liegt in der Tradition der Troubadours. Die Puys stellten einen Übergang vom höfisch-adligen Minnesang zum städtischen Meistersang dar, während sich die mittelalterliche Bürgergesellschaft emanzipierte und zum Kulturträger aufrückte. Den Gesellschaften gehörten gleichermaßen Künstler und kunstinteressierte Bürger an. Berühmte Puys entstanden in Nordfrankreich, u. a. in Amiens, Caen, Dieppe, Douai, Rouen, Valenciennes und in Arras. Letzterer entwickelte sich zu einem literarischen Zentrum, dem zeitweilig bis zu 200 Künstler angehörten; ihre bedeutendsten Mitglieder waren die Trouvères Jean Bodel und Adam de la Halle. Die nordfranzösischen Puys veranstalteten öffentliche, lyrische und dramatische Dichtwettbewerbe, deren Gewinner zum prince, d. h. einem gewählten Fürsten, gekrönt wurden. Der Puy de Rouen, auch Puy de la Conception Notre-Dame genannt, belohnte jährlich die besten Chants royaux zu Ehren der Jungfrau Maria. An lyrischen Genres wurden Dit, Chanson, Jeu parti und Balladenformen gepflegt, an dramatischen Mirakel- und Mysterienspiele. Die Blüte der Puys lag zwischen dem 14. und dem 15. Jahrhundert, bis sie – ähnlich wie der deutsche Meistersang – nur noch formal den überkommenen Tradierungen folgten und allmählich niedergingen. Auf dem Gebiet des geistlichen Theaters lebten sie in den Passionsbruderschaften weiter. (de)
  • Un Puy o Pui fue una sociedad literaria, a menudo organizada como un gremio o hermandad, a veces de carácter religioso ( católico ), para patrocinar eventos musicales y poéticos, normalmente a través de competiciones. El término puy deriva del podio latino , que significa «punto de apoyo», probablemente se refiera a una plataforma elevada desde la cual los concursantes entregaban sus obras o donde los jueces escuchaban las composiciones propuestas por los diversos artistas.​Los Puys se establecieron en muchas ciudades del norte y centro de Francia, los Países Bajos e incluso Inglaterra durante la Alta Edad Media y el Renacimiento, por lo general fomentando la composición en el idioma francés antiguo, pero también en latín y occitano.​ (es)
  • A puy or pui was a society, often organised as a guild or confraternity, sometimes along religious (Catholic) lines, for the patronisation of music and poetry, typically through the holding of competitions. The term puy derives from the Latin podium, meaning "a place to stand", referring probably to a raised platform from which either the contests delivered their works or the judges listened to them. Puys were established in many cities in northern and central France, the Low Countries, and even England during the High Middle Ages and the Renaissance, usually encouraging composition in the Old French language, but also in Latin and Occitan. The typical puy was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Membership was regulated by statutes to which those entering had to swear. These governed the election of executive positions within the puy and the benefits inhering in members. Members could be clerical or lay, male or female, noble or bourgeois, urban or rural. The earliest societies were organised around para-liturgical celebrations of the Marian feast days, but these evolved poetry competitions and eventually the competitions became the focus of the festivals. Music and sung performance were emphasised early on, but over the centuries the quality of the poetry came to dominate the members' concern and the puys of Normandy, especially popular from the fifteenth century on, were redefined in the seventeenth as literary academies. In this form they survived until the French Revolution. A poetical society known, in a generic fashion, as the Puy Sainta Maria (Puy-Sainte-Marie), seems to have held contests at Le-Puy-en-Velay (Podium Aniciense) in the Occitan language under the patronage of Alfonso II of Aragon (1162–96). Among the troubadours known to have competed was the Monge de Montaudon, who received a Eurasian sparrowhawk as a prize for one piece. He is said by his vida to have held the "suzerainty" of the "court of Puy" (cour du Puy) until it was dissolved. The height of the French puys was in the Late Middle Ages. The puy would have an open invitation for competitions in several categories, with the theme, form, and refrain in each category stipulated. Among the common most common forms were the formes fixes, the chant royal, jeu parti, , and ballade. The music was generally strophic monophony, but the puy at Évreux, founded in 1570, did accept two submissions of through-composed polyphony from Orlande de Lassus. The problems of adjudication at the contests spurned the production of several treatises on versification in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. As in the Floral Games celebrated in southern France and Spain, the prizes awarded by the puys could be flowers, such as lilies or roses, or sometimes palms. These floral prizes could be redeemable for money. Besides these, the puys sometimes bestowed signet rings (engraved with imagery or poetry). The puys could attract professionals and men of fame, such as Jean Froissart, who competed and won at Abbeville, Lille, Tournai, and Valenciennes. They also attracted local amateurs. (en)
  • Le puy (ou pui) est une société littéraire pieuse dans les provinces romanes des Pays-Bas, en Picardie et en Normandie aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles. Il est l'ancêtre de la chambre de rhétorique et du Meistersinger allemand. La plupart des puys étaient dédiés à la Vierge Marie. Celui de Dieppe par exemple l'était pour son Assomption et celui de Rouen pour son Immaculée conception. Au début plus religieux que littéraires, ces cercles devinrent petit à petit plus littéraires que religieux. (fr)
  • Un puy o pui era una società, spesso organizzata come una gilda o confraternita, talvolta di impronta religiosa (cattolica), onde patrocinare eventi musicali e poetici, in genere attraverso lo svolgimento di concorsi. Il termine puy deriva dal latino podium, che significa "punto d'appoggio", riferendosi probabilmente a una piattaforma rialzata in cui si svolgevano gli agoni o dove i giudici ascoltavano le composizioni proposte dai vari artisti. I puys vennero istituiti in molte città della Francia centrale e settentrionale, nei Paesi Bassi e anche in Inghilterra durante l'alto medioevo e il rinascimento, di solito incoraggiando la composizione in antico francese, ma anche in latino e occitano. Il tipico puy veniva dedicato alla Vergine Maria. L'associazione dei membri era regolata da statuti per cui coloro che vi entravano dovevano giurare. Questi disciplinavano l'elezione di cariche esecutive all'interno del puy e i benefici inerenti ai membri, i quali potevano essere chierici o laici, uomini o donne, nobili o borghesi, cittadini o rurali. Le prime società furono istituite per le celebrazioni para-liturgiche dei giorni vestivi mariani, con il coinvolgimento di competizioni poetiche, tanto che alla fine gli agoni divennero il centro dei festival. Presto le esecuzioni musicali e canore vengono ad essere esaltate, ma nel corso dei secoli la qualità della poesia viene a dominare gli interessi dei membri e i puys di Normandia, specialmente popolari dal XV secolo in poi, vengono ridefiniti nel XVII secolo come accademie letterarie. In questa forma sopravviveranno fino alla rivoluzione francese. Una società poetica conosciuta, in modo generico, come il Puy Sainta Maria (Puy-Sainte-Marie), sembra avere patrocinato agoni a Le Puy-en-Velay (Podium Aniciense) in lingua occitana sotto il patrocinio di Alfonso II d'Aragona (1162–96). Tra i trovatori rinomati per avere gareggiato vi sono il Monaco di Montaudon, il quale ricevette come premio per una sua composizione uno sparviero. Nella sua vida leggiamo che lui aveva mantenuto la "sovranità" della "corte di Puy" (cour du Puy) fino alla sua dissoluzione. Il culmine dei puys francesi venne raggiunto nel basso medioevo. Il puy sarebbe stato un invito aperto alle competizioni in diverse categorie, con tema, forma e ritornello convenuti per ciascuna categoria. Tra le forme più comuni vi erano le formes fixes, il chant royal, il jeu parti, il serventois e la . La musica era di solito strofica monofonica, ma il puy a Évreux, fondato nel 1570, aveva accettato due proposte di polifonia durchkomponiert da Orlando di Lasso. I problemi di aggiudicazione negli agoni dava un calcio alla produzione di diversi trattati sulla versificazione del XV e XVI secolo. Come nei giochi floreali celebrati nella Francia meridionale e in Spagna, i premi consegnati dal puys potevano essere fiori, come gigli o rose o talvolta palme. Questi premi floreali potevano essere "rimborsabili" con moneta. Oltre a questi, il puys talvolta concedeva anelli con sigillo (incisi con immagini o poesia). I puys potevano attrarre professionisti e uomini di fama, come Jean Froissart, che gareggiò e vinse a Abbeville, Lilla, Tournai e Valenciennes. Queste competizioni attiravano anche i dilettanti locali. (it)
  • П'юї — середньовічні товариства французьких жонглерів та городян, створені для підтримки поезії (ді, шансон), театру (міракль, містерія), музики. Назва походить від містечка у провінції Овернь (XII ст.), звідки п'юї поширилися в інші міста. Типове товариство присвячувалось Діві Марії. Членство регулювалося статутами, за якими вступники мали присягати. Вони регулювали обрання керівних посад у межах товариства та переваги, що дісталися членам. Члени могли бути священнослужителями або мирянами, чоловіками чи жінками, шляхетними чи буржуазними, міськими чи сільськими. Найдавніші товариства були організовані навколо паралітургійних святкувань днів Богородицьких свят, але ці святкування еволюціонували в поетичні змагання і, зрештою, змагання стали фокусом фестивалів. (uk)
  • 18887184 (xsd:integer)
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  • Un Puy o Pui fue una sociedad literaria, a menudo organizada como un gremio o hermandad, a veces de carácter religioso ( católico ), para patrocinar eventos musicales y poéticos, normalmente a través de competiciones. El término puy deriva del podio latino , que significa «punto de apoyo», probablemente se refiera a una plataforma elevada desde la cual los concursantes entregaban sus obras o donde los jueces escuchaban las composiciones propuestas por los diversos artistas.​Los Puys se establecieron en muchas ciudades del norte y centro de Francia, los Países Bajos e incluso Inglaterra durante la Alta Edad Media y el Renacimiento, por lo general fomentando la composición en el idioma francés antiguo, pero también en latín y occitano.​ (es)
  • Le puy (ou pui) est une société littéraire pieuse dans les provinces romanes des Pays-Bas, en Picardie et en Normandie aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles. Il est l'ancêtre de la chambre de rhétorique et du Meistersinger allemand. La plupart des puys étaient dédiés à la Vierge Marie. Celui de Dieppe par exemple l'était pour son Assomption et celui de Rouen pour son Immaculée conception. Au début plus religieux que littéraires, ces cercles devinrent petit à petit plus littéraires que religieux. (fr)
  • Ein Puy (mfrz. puy „Anhöhe“ zu lat. podium „Ehrenplatz“) war eine im Langue-d’oïl-Sprachraum seit dem 13. Jahrhundert verbreitete Form von halbliterarischen, halbreligiösen Kulturgesellschaften, die Dichtkunst, Musik und Theater pflegten. Es ist unklar, ob sich der Begriff von der erhöhten Plattform ableitet, auf der die vorgetragenen Gedichte und Stücke inszeniert wurden, oder von der Stadt Le Puy-en-Velay in der Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in der bereits sehr früh eine literarische Gesellschaft existierte. Die Wurzel liegt in der Tradition der Troubadours. (de)
  • A puy or pui was a society, often organised as a guild or confraternity, sometimes along religious (Catholic) lines, for the patronisation of music and poetry, typically through the holding of competitions. The term puy derives from the Latin podium, meaning "a place to stand", referring probably to a raised platform from which either the contests delivered their works or the judges listened to them. Puys were established in many cities in northern and central France, the Low Countries, and even England during the High Middle Ages and the Renaissance, usually encouraging composition in the Old French language, but also in Latin and Occitan. (en)
  • Un puy o pui era una società, spesso organizzata come una gilda o confraternita, talvolta di impronta religiosa (cattolica), onde patrocinare eventi musicali e poetici, in genere attraverso lo svolgimento di concorsi. Il termine puy deriva dal latino podium, che significa "punto d'appoggio", riferendosi probabilmente a una piattaforma rialzata in cui si svolgevano gli agoni o dove i giudici ascoltavano le composizioni proposte dai vari artisti. I puys vennero istituiti in molte città della Francia centrale e settentrionale, nei Paesi Bassi e anche in Inghilterra durante l'alto medioevo e il rinascimento, di solito incoraggiando la composizione in antico francese, ma anche in latino e occitano. (it)
  • П'юї — середньовічні товариства французьких жонглерів та городян, створені для підтримки поезії (ді, шансон), театру (міракль, містерія), музики. Назва походить від містечка у провінції Овернь (XII ст.), звідки п'юї поширилися в інші міста. (uk)
  • Puy (de)
  • Puy (sociedad) (es)
  • Puy (société) (fr)
  • Puy (società) (it)
  • Puy (society) (en)
  • П'юї (uk)
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