- Als Recess Appointment wird in den Vereinigten Staaten eine Ernennung („appointment“) durch den Präsidenten bezeichnet, die während der Sitzungspause („recess“) des Senats ohne dessen Zustimmung vorgenommen wird. Der amerikanische Senat muss ansonsten jeder Ernennung von Ministern, anderen hochrangigen Regierungsbeamten oder Richtern zustimmen. Tagt der Senat jedoch nicht, kann der Präsident diese Berufungen ohne Bestätigung des Plenums tätigen. Allerdings muss die Zustimmung des Senats spätestens zum Ende der neuen Sitzungsperiode nachgeholt werden. Dieses Instrument wird beispielsweise während der Weihnachtspause oder noch wesentlich häufiger in früheren Jahrhunderten, als der Kongress nur für wenige Wochen im Jahr tagte. Recess Appointments sind politisch häufig umstritten. Auch auf Ebene der Bundesstaaten sind Recess Appointments durch Gouverneure verbreitet. (de)
- In the United States, a recess appointment is an appointment by the president of a federal official when the U.S. Senate is in recess. Under the U.S. Constitution's Appointments Clause, the President is empowered to nominate, and with the advice and consent (confirmation) of the Senate, make appointments to high-level policy-making positions in federal departments, agencies, boards, and commissions, as well as to the federal judiciary. A recess appointment under Article II, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution is an alternative method of appointing officials that allows the temporary filling of offices during periods when the Senate is not in session. It was anticipated that the Senate would be away for months at a time, so the ability to fill vacancies in important positions when the Senate is in recess and unavailable to provide advice and consent was deemed essential to maintain government function, as described by Alexander Hamilton in No. 67 of The Federalist Papers. In modern times, the Senate is in session nearly year-round, making the recess appointment mechanism far less necessary or useful for upkeep of government function. Nonetheless, in recent times this power has also been controversially used as a political tool to temporarily install an unpopular nominee by sidestepping the Senate's role in the confirmation process; the Senate has taken measures from time to time to prevent a president from making recess appointments, specifically by holding pro forma sessions. The Supreme Court affirmed that pro forma sessions are sufficient to prevent recess appointments and addressed other intricacies of the practice in NLRB v. Noel Canning (2014). Appointments made during a recess must be confirmed by the Senate by the end of the next session of Congress, or the appointment expires. In current practice, this means that a recess appointment must be approved by roughly the end of the next calendar year and thus could last for almost two years, if made early enough in the year. (en)
- 休会任命(きゅうかいにんめい、Recess Appointment)はアメリカ合衆国における政治制度の一つ。連邦議会の休会中に大統領が議会の承認なしで政府高官を任命すること。 なお、日本の国会の場合はある会期と次の会期の間の呼称は「閉会(中)」とされており、「休会」はある会期の最中における一時的休止を指す(つまり閉会中の暫定的任命はあっても休会中の暫定的任命はない)ため、この「休会任命」の語を日本の制度説明に流用する場合は注意を要する。 (ja)
- Nos Estados Unidos, Recess appointment é um ato em que o presidente nomeia alguém para um cargo público quando o Senado está em recesso. De acordo com a da Constituição dos Estados Unidos, o presidente tem o poder de indicar, com o conselho e consentimento (confirmação) do Senado, os ocupantes de cargos de alto nível em departamentos, agências, conselhos e comissões na esfera federal. Um recess appointment, de acordo com o Artigo Segundo, Seção 2, Cláusula 3 da Constituição é um método alternativo para nomear oficiais, que permite que cargos em vacância sejam ocupados para manter a continuidade da administração governamental através do preenchimento temporário destes enquanto o Senado não está ativo. Em algumas ocasiões, de forma controversa, esse poder foi utilizado pelos presidentes para instalar temporariamente indicados impopulares para um determinado cargo, ignorando o papel do Senado no processo de confirmação, e, por isso, o Senado tem tomado medidas de tempos em tempos para evitar que um presidente realizasse recess appointments. Um recess appointment precisa ser confirmado pelo Senado até o fim da próxima série de seções do congresso para que a nomeação não perca a validade. De forma prática, isso significa que um recess appointment deve ser aprovado até o fim do ano seguinte a ele, portanto, pode durar por quase dois anos. (pt)
- 休会任命(きゅうかいにんめい、Recess Appointment)はアメリカ合衆国における政治制度の一つ。連邦議会の休会中に大統領が議会の承認なしで政府高官を任命すること。 なお、日本の国会の場合はある会期と次の会期の間の呼称は「閉会(中)」とされており、「休会」はある会期の最中における一時的休止を指す(つまり閉会中の暫定的任命はあっても休会中の暫定的任命はない)ため、この「休会任命」の語を日本の制度説明に流用する場合は注意を要する。 (ja)
- Als Recess Appointment wird in den Vereinigten Staaten eine Ernennung („appointment“) durch den Präsidenten bezeichnet, die während der Sitzungspause („recess“) des Senats ohne dessen Zustimmung vorgenommen wird. Der amerikanische Senat muss ansonsten jeder Ernennung von Ministern, anderen hochrangigen Regierungsbeamten oder Richtern zustimmen. Tagt der Senat jedoch nicht, kann der Präsident diese Berufungen ohne Bestätigung des Plenums tätigen. Allerdings muss die Zustimmung des Senats spätestens zum Ende der neuen Sitzungsperiode nachgeholt werden. Dieses Instrument wird beispielsweise während der Weihnachtspause oder noch wesentlich häufiger in früheren Jahrhunderten, als der Kongress nur für wenige Wochen im Jahr tagte. Recess Appointments sind politisch häufig umstritten. (de)
- In the United States, a recess appointment is an appointment by the president of a federal official when the U.S. Senate is in recess. Under the U.S. Constitution's Appointments Clause, the President is empowered to nominate, and with the advice and consent (confirmation) of the Senate, make appointments to high-level policy-making positions in federal departments, agencies, boards, and commissions, as well as to the federal judiciary. A recess appointment under Article II, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution is an alternative method of appointing officials that allows the temporary filling of offices during periods when the Senate is not in session. It was anticipated that the Senate would be away for months at a time, so the ability to fill vacancies in important positions when the S (en)
- Nos Estados Unidos, Recess appointment é um ato em que o presidente nomeia alguém para um cargo público quando o Senado está em recesso. De acordo com a da Constituição dos Estados Unidos, o presidente tem o poder de indicar, com o conselho e consentimento (confirmação) do Senado, os ocupantes de cargos de alto nível em departamentos, agências, conselhos e comissões na esfera federal. Um recess appointment, de acordo com o Artigo Segundo, Seção 2, Cláusula 3 da Constituição é um método alternativo para nomear oficiais, que permite que cargos em vacância sejam ocupados para manter a continuidade da administração governamental através do preenchimento temporário destes enquanto o Senado não está ativo. (pt)