- Shiplake es una parroquia civil y eclesiástica al condado de Oxfordshire, en el margen occidental del río Támesis. Está 9 km del noroeste de Reading y 4.5 km del sud de Henley, más conocida por ser el lugar habitual de celebración de la regata en el mes de julio. Coppid Hall en Shiplake es el sede de los barones Phillimore. (es)
- Shiplake consists of three settlements: Shiplake, Shiplake Cross and Lower Shiplake. Together these villages form a civil parish situated beside the River Thames 2 miles (3 km) south of Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England. The river forms the parish boundary to the east and south, and also the county boundary between Oxfordshire and Berkshire. The villages have two discrete centres separated by agricultural land. The 2011 Census records the parish (on its adjusted scale) population as 1,954 and containing 679 homes. The A4155 main road linking Henley with Reading, Berkshire passes through the parish. The largest is Lower Shiplake, centred around Shiplake railway station on the Henley Branch Line. It is the economic centre of the parish and contains a store & post office, butcher shop and The Baskerville pub, as well as most of the homes in the parish. 1 mile (1.6 km) southwest of Lower Shiplake are the older, contiguous settlements of Shiplake and Shiplake Cross. Shiplake village is the historic and religious centre of the parish and contains Shiplake Farm, the Parish church of Saint Peter & Saint Paul on Church Lane, Shiplake House, Plowden Arms pub and Shiplake College an independent boarding school. The College occupies the building and site of the historic Shiplake Court. Shiplake village contains numerous Grade II listed buildings and monuments. Shiplake Cross is the sporting and community centre of the parish. It consists of just five roads: Memorial Avenue, Orchard Close, Plough Lane, Plowden Way and Schoolfields. It contains the Shiplake Memorial Hall, Shiplake Village Bowling Club (founded 1920) and Shiplake Tennis & Social Club as well as Shiplake CE Primary School and Nursery. Historically, the parish also included Binfield Heath, 1 mile (1.6 km) west of the historic Shiplake village. Since 2003 it has been a separate civil parish. (en)
- Shiplake è un villaggio e parrocchia civile dell'Inghilterra, appartenente alla contea dell'Oxfordshire. (it)
- Shiplake is een civil parish in het bestuurlijke gebied South Oxfordshire, in het Engelse graafschap Oxfordshire met 1954 inwoners. (nl)
- Shiplake – wieś i civil parish w Wielkiej Brytanii w Anglii, położona nad rzeką Tamizą, w hrabstwie Oxfordshire, w dystrykcie South Oxfordshire. W 2011 roku civil parish liczyła 1954 mieszkańców. Znajduje się tutaj kościół parafialny św. Piotra i Pawła z XIII w., częściowo przebudowany w stylu neogotyckim w XIX w. W Shiplake mieszkał w swoich młodych latach George Orwell, a ślub brał Alfred Tennyson. (pl)
- Shiplake är en by och en civil parish i South Oxfordshire i Storbritannien. Den ligger i grevskapet Oxfordshire och riksdelen England, i den södra delen av landet, 50 km väster om huvudstaden London. Orten har 1 954 invånare (2011). Kustklimat råder i trakten. Årsmedeltemperaturen i trakten är 9 °C. Den varmaste månaden är juli, då medeltemperaturen är 18 °C, och den kallaste är december, med 0 °C. (sv)
- Shiplake es una parroquia civil y eclesiástica al condado de Oxfordshire, en el margen occidental del río Támesis. Está 9 km del noroeste de Reading y 4.5 km del sud de Henley, más conocida por ser el lugar habitual de celebración de la regata en el mes de julio. Coppid Hall en Shiplake es el sede de los barones Phillimore. (es)
- Shiplake è un villaggio e parrocchia civile dell'Inghilterra, appartenente alla contea dell'Oxfordshire. (it)
- Shiplake is een civil parish in het bestuurlijke gebied South Oxfordshire, in het Engelse graafschap Oxfordshire met 1954 inwoners. (nl)
- Shiplake – wieś i civil parish w Wielkiej Brytanii w Anglii, położona nad rzeką Tamizą, w hrabstwie Oxfordshire, w dystrykcie South Oxfordshire. W 2011 roku civil parish liczyła 1954 mieszkańców. Znajduje się tutaj kościół parafialny św. Piotra i Pawła z XIII w., częściowo przebudowany w stylu neogotyckim w XIX w. W Shiplake mieszkał w swoich młodych latach George Orwell, a ślub brał Alfred Tennyson. (pl)
- Shiplake är en by och en civil parish i South Oxfordshire i Storbritannien. Den ligger i grevskapet Oxfordshire och riksdelen England, i den södra delen av landet, 50 km väster om huvudstaden London. Orten har 1 954 invånare (2011). Kustklimat råder i trakten. Årsmedeltemperaturen i trakten är 9 °C. Den varmaste månaden är juli, då medeltemperaturen är 18 °C, och den kallaste är december, med 0 °C. (sv)
- Shiplake consists of three settlements: Shiplake, Shiplake Cross and Lower Shiplake. Together these villages form a civil parish situated beside the River Thames 2 miles (3 km) south of Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England. The river forms the parish boundary to the east and south, and also the county boundary between Oxfordshire and Berkshire. The villages have two discrete centres separated by agricultural land. The 2011 Census records the parish (on its adjusted scale) population as 1,954 and containing 679 homes. The A4155 main road linking Henley with Reading, Berkshire passes through the parish. (en)