Subhajit Saha is a professional table tennis player from West Bengal, India. He won the men's doubles gold at the 19th Commonwealth Games' table tennis championship held at New Delhi in 2010.
Subhajit Saha (lahir 4 Mei 1982) adalah pemain tenis meja profesional dari Benggala Barat, India. Dia memenangkan medali emas kategori ganda putra di kejuaraan tenis meja Persemakmuran ke-19 yang diadakan di New Delhi pada 2010. (in)
Subhajit Saha is a professional table tennis player from West Bengal, India. He won the men's doubles gold at the 19th Commonwealth Games' table tennis championship held at New Delhi in 2010. (en)
Subhajit Saha (lahir 4 Mei 1982) adalah pemain tenis meja profesional dari Benggala Barat, India. Dia memenangkan medali emas kategori ganda putra di kejuaraan tenis meja Persemakmuran ke-19 yang diadakan di New Delhi pada 2010. (in)
Subhajit Saha is a professional table tennis player from West Bengal, India. He won the men's doubles gold at the 19th Commonwealth Games' table tennis championship held at New Delhi in 2010. (en)