- Der Super Bowl XII war der zwölfte Super Bowl der National Football League (NFL). Am 15. Januar 1978 standen sich die Denver Broncos und die Dallas Cowboys im Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana, gegenüber. Sieger waren die Dallas Cowboys bei einem Endstand von 27:10. Dallas’ Defensive Linemen Randy White und Harvey Martin wurden beide zum Super Bowl MVP gewählt. Es war das erste und einzige Mal, dass es zwei Super Bowl MVPs gab, außerdem waren sie die ersten Spieler der Defensive Line, die gewählt wurden. (de)
- El Super Bowl XII fue la 12.ª edición del juego por el campeonato de fútbol americano de la National Football League y se disputó el 15 de enero de 1978 en el Louisiana Superdome de New Orleans, Luisiana. Los Dallas Cowboys, campeones de la NFC (15–2) derrotaron a los Denver Broncos, campeones de la AFC (14–3) por maracador de 27–10, llegando así a su segundo título de Super Bowl. Los Cowboys dominaron prácticamente todo el partido, forzando a los Broncos a 8 pérdidas de balón y permitiendo sólo 8 pases completos para 61 yardas. Por primera y única vez en la historia de los Súper Bowls, dos jugadores compartieron el honor de ser nombrados como el jugador más valioso del juego. También fue la primera vez que un liniero defensivo conseguiría dicho galardón. (es)
- Le Super Bowl XII est l'ultime partie de la saison NFL 1977 de football américain (NFL). Le match a eu lieu le 15 janvier 1978 au Superdome de La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiane. Les Dallas Cowboys (12-2) ont remporté le deuxième trophée Vince Lombardi de leur histoire en quatre participations au Super Bowl, en s'imposant 27-10 face aux Denver Broncos (12-2), qui participaient pour la première fois tant aux play-offs qu'à sa finale. Pour la première fois, deux hommes sont nommés MVP du Super Bowl : le defensive tackle Randy White, et le defensive end Harvey Martin. (fr)
- Super Bowl XII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Dallas Cowboys and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1977 season. The Cowboys defeated the Broncos 27–10 to win their second Super Bowl. The game was played on January 15, 1978, at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. This was the first Super Bowl in a domed stadium, and the first time that the game was played in prime time in the Eastern United States. The game pitted Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach against their former quarterback, Craig Morton. Led by Staubach and the Doomsday Defense, Dallas advanced to its fourth Super Bowl after posting a 12–2 record in the regular season and home playoff victories over the Chicago Bears and Minnesota Vikings. The Broncos, led by Morton and the Orange Crush Defense, made their first-ever postseason appearance after a franchise-best 12–2 regular season record. Also with home-field advantage, Denver posted playoff wins over the Pittsburgh Steelers and Oakland Raiders. The Cowboys defense dominated Super Bowl XII, forcing eight turnovers and allowing only eight pass completions by the Broncos for 61 yards. Two interceptions led to 10 first-quarter points. Denver's longest play of the game was 21 yards, which occurred on their opening drive. Dallas extended its lead to 20–3 in the third quarter after wide receiver Butch Johnson made a diving catch in the end zone for a 45-yard touchdown reception. An ineffective Morton was replaced by Norris Weese late in the third quarter. He drove the Broncos downfield to score a touchdown to close the gap on the lead to 20–10, capped by a Rob Lytle one-yard touchdown run. However, the Cowboys put the game out of reach in the fourth quarter when fullback Robert Newhouse threw a 29-yard touchdown pass on a halfback option play to receiver Golden Richards. For the first and only time, two players won Super Bowl MVP honors: defensive tackle Randy White and defensive end Harvey Martin. This was also the first time that a defensive lineman was named Super Bowl MVP. (en)
- 第12回スーパーボウルは1978年1月15日にルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズのルイジアナ・スーパードームで開催されたアメリカンフットボールの試合。NFLの1977年のレギュラーシーズン、プレーオフを勝ち上がったダラス・カウボーイズ、デンバー・ブロンコスがNFLチャンピオンシップを争った。この大会はスーパーボウル史上初めてドーム球場で行われた。 試合はダラス・カウボーイズが8回のターンオーバーを奪い、相手のパスを8回61ヤードしか通さず、27-10でデンバー・ブロンコスを破った。MVPにはダラスの, ハーベイ・マーティンの2人が選ばれた(スーパーボウルMVPを2人が同時受賞したのはこの時だけ)。 (ja)
- Il Super Bowl XII fu una partita di football americano tra i campioni della National Football Conference (NFC), i Dallas Cowboys, e quelli della American Football Conference (AFC),i Denver Broncos, per decidere il campione della National Football League (NFL) per la stagione 1977. I Cowboys sconfissero i Broncos 27–10 vincendo il loro secondo Super Bowl. La sfida si tenne il 15 gennaio 1978 al Louisiana Superdome di New Orleans, Louisiana. Fu il primo Super Bowl disputatosi in uno stadio al coperto e il primo trasmesso in prima serata. Una fase di gioco del Super Bowl XII La gara vide affrontarsi il quarterback dei Cowboys Roger Staubach e il suo predecessore, Craig Morton. Guidata da Staubach e dalla loro difesa soprannominata Doomsday Defense, Dallas giunse al suo quarto Super Bowl dopo un record di 12–2 nella stagione regolare e vittorie nei playoff contro Chicago Bears e Minnesota Vikings. I Broncos, guidati da Morton e dalla Orange Crush Defense, si qualificarono per il primo Super Bowl della loro storia dopo un bilancio di 12–2 nella stagione regolare e vittorie nei playoff contro Pittsburgh Steelers e Oakland Raiders. La difesa dei Cowboys dominò la maggior parte del Super Bowl XII, forzando otto palloni persi e concedendo solamente otto passaggi completati per 61 yard ai Broncos. Due intercetti portarono a segnare dieci punti nel primo tempo. La più lunga giocata di Denver fu di 21 yard e fu nel drive di apertura. Dallas estese il suo vantaggio a 20–3 nel terzo quarto quando il wide receiver ricevette in tuffo nella end zone un passaggio da touchdown da 45 yard. Denver accorciò a 20–10, dopo che un inefficace Morton fu sostituito da Norris Weese nel finale del terzo periodo, ma Dallas scappò nel punteggio quando il fullback passò un touchdown da 29 yard al ricevitore . Per la prima e unica volta, due giocatori condivisero il premio di MVP del Super Bowl: il defensive tackle Randy White e il defensive end Harvey Martin. Fu la prima volta che un defensive lineman vinceva tale riconoscimento. (it)
- Super Bowl XII was de twaalfde editie van de Super Bowl, de American Football-finale tussen de kampioenen van de National Football Conference en de American Football Conference van 1977. De Super Bowl werd op 15 januari 1978 gehouden in de Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. De Dallas Cowboys wonnen de wedstrijd met 27–10 tegen de Denver Broncos en werden zo de kampioen van de National Football League. (nl)
- Super Bowl XII var den 12:e upplagan av Super Bowl sedan starten 1967. Matchen spelades mellan AFC-mästarna Dallas Cowboys och NFC-mästarna Denver Broncos, och Cowboys besegrade Broncos med 27-10. Matchen spelades i Louisiana Superdome, och det här var första Super Bowl att spelas inomhus i en kupolarena. För första, och enda, gången utsågs två spelare till MVP: defensiva linjemännen (tackle) och (end) delade utmärkelsen. Det var även första gången utmärkelsen gavs till spelare på defensiva linjen. (sv)
- O Super Bowl XII foi a partida que decidiu a temporada de 1977 da NFL, realizada no Louisiana Superdome, em Nova Orleans, Louisiana, no dia 15 de janeiro de 1978. Nesta edição, o primeiro Super Bowl a ser disputado em estádio coberto, o Dallas Cowboys, representante da NFC, bateu o Denver Broncos, representante da AFC, por 27 a 10, garantindo o segundo Super Bowl na história da franquia. Pela primeira vez na história, dois jogadores foram eleitos MVP de um Super Bowl: o defensive tackle Randy White (premiado no dia do seu aniversário) e o defensive end Harvey Martin, ambos do time vencedor. (pt)
- Супербоул XII (англ. Super Bowl XII) — двенадцатая игра Супербоула. Противостояние Американской футбольной Конференции (АФК) и Национальной футбольной Конференции (НФК). Матч, в котором играли Даллас «Ковбойз» от НФК и Денвер «Бронкос» от АФК, прошёл 15 января 1978 года. «Ковбойз» победил 27-10 (ru)
- 第十二届超级碗(Super Bowl XII)是美国国家橄榄球联盟1977赛季的总决赛,由美联冠军丹佛野马队对阵国联冠军达拉斯牛仔队。比赛于1978年1月15日在新奥尔良的路易斯安娜超级巨蛋举行。 最终,达拉斯牛仔队以27-10战胜丹佛野马队,第二次夺得超级碗冠军。(Randy White)与(Harvey Martin)共同分享最有价值球员称号。 (zh)
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- 52853 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- Pat Summerall and Tom Brookshier (en)
- Phyllis Kelly of Northeast Louisiana University (en)
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- 17 (xsd:integer)
- 25 (xsd:integer)
- 26 (xsd:integer)
- 29 (xsd:integer)
- 32 (xsd:integer)
- 35 (xsd:integer)
- 58 (xsd:integer)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 116.0
- 148.0
- 149.0
- 160.0
- 214.0
- 7.0
- 80.0
- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- "From Paris to the Paris of America" with the Tyler Junior College Apache Belles, Pete Fountain, and Al Hirt (en)
- Cowboys: Tex Schramm , Gil Brandt , Tom Landry , Mike Ditka , Tony Dorsett, Cliff Harris, Drew Pearson, Mel Renfro, Roger Staubach, Randy White, Rayfield Wright (en)
- Broncos: none (en)
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- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
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- Jack Buck, Jim Kelly and Sonny Jurgensen (en)
- 47.200000 (xsd:double)
- (en)
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- expanded (en)
- uncollapsed (en)
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- 269.0
- 317.0
- 339.0
- 419.0
- 424.0
- 676.0
- 91.0
- 752.0
- Super Bowl XII: NFL Full Game (en)
- Super Bowl XII: Dallas Cowboys 27, Denver Broncos 10 (en)
- text-align:center; background-color:#000; color:#fff (en)
- FG (en)
- RecTD (en)
- RushTD (en)
- sb (en)
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- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
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- , played indoors, domed stadium (en)
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- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 29 (xsd:integer)
- 35 (xsd:integer)
- 43 (xsd:integer)
- 45 (xsd:integer)
- 47 (xsd:integer)
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- Der Super Bowl XII war der zwölfte Super Bowl der National Football League (NFL). Am 15. Januar 1978 standen sich die Denver Broncos und die Dallas Cowboys im Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana, gegenüber. Sieger waren die Dallas Cowboys bei einem Endstand von 27:10. Dallas’ Defensive Linemen Randy White und Harvey Martin wurden beide zum Super Bowl MVP gewählt. Es war das erste und einzige Mal, dass es zwei Super Bowl MVPs gab, außerdem waren sie die ersten Spieler der Defensive Line, die gewählt wurden. (de)
- Le Super Bowl XII est l'ultime partie de la saison NFL 1977 de football américain (NFL). Le match a eu lieu le 15 janvier 1978 au Superdome de La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiane. Les Dallas Cowboys (12-2) ont remporté le deuxième trophée Vince Lombardi de leur histoire en quatre participations au Super Bowl, en s'imposant 27-10 face aux Denver Broncos (12-2), qui participaient pour la première fois tant aux play-offs qu'à sa finale. Pour la première fois, deux hommes sont nommés MVP du Super Bowl : le defensive tackle Randy White, et le defensive end Harvey Martin. (fr)
- 第12回スーパーボウルは1978年1月15日にルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズのルイジアナ・スーパードームで開催されたアメリカンフットボールの試合。NFLの1977年のレギュラーシーズン、プレーオフを勝ち上がったダラス・カウボーイズ、デンバー・ブロンコスがNFLチャンピオンシップを争った。この大会はスーパーボウル史上初めてドーム球場で行われた。 試合はダラス・カウボーイズが8回のターンオーバーを奪い、相手のパスを8回61ヤードしか通さず、27-10でデンバー・ブロンコスを破った。MVPにはダラスの, ハーベイ・マーティンの2人が選ばれた(スーパーボウルMVPを2人が同時受賞したのはこの時だけ)。 (ja)
- Super Bowl XII was de twaalfde editie van de Super Bowl, de American Football-finale tussen de kampioenen van de National Football Conference en de American Football Conference van 1977. De Super Bowl werd op 15 januari 1978 gehouden in de Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. De Dallas Cowboys wonnen de wedstrijd met 27–10 tegen de Denver Broncos en werden zo de kampioen van de National Football League. (nl)
- Super Bowl XII var den 12:e upplagan av Super Bowl sedan starten 1967. Matchen spelades mellan AFC-mästarna Dallas Cowboys och NFC-mästarna Denver Broncos, och Cowboys besegrade Broncos med 27-10. Matchen spelades i Louisiana Superdome, och det här var första Super Bowl att spelas inomhus i en kupolarena. För första, och enda, gången utsågs två spelare till MVP: defensiva linjemännen (tackle) och (end) delade utmärkelsen. Det var även första gången utmärkelsen gavs till spelare på defensiva linjen. (sv)
- O Super Bowl XII foi a partida que decidiu a temporada de 1977 da NFL, realizada no Louisiana Superdome, em Nova Orleans, Louisiana, no dia 15 de janeiro de 1978. Nesta edição, o primeiro Super Bowl a ser disputado em estádio coberto, o Dallas Cowboys, representante da NFC, bateu o Denver Broncos, representante da AFC, por 27 a 10, garantindo o segundo Super Bowl na história da franquia. Pela primeira vez na história, dois jogadores foram eleitos MVP de um Super Bowl: o defensive tackle Randy White (premiado no dia do seu aniversário) e o defensive end Harvey Martin, ambos do time vencedor. (pt)
- Супербоул XII (англ. Super Bowl XII) — двенадцатая игра Супербоула. Противостояние Американской футбольной Конференции (АФК) и Национальной футбольной Конференции (НФК). Матч, в котором играли Даллас «Ковбойз» от НФК и Денвер «Бронкос» от АФК, прошёл 15 января 1978 года. «Ковбойз» победил 27-10 (ru)
- 第十二届超级碗(Super Bowl XII)是美国国家橄榄球联盟1977赛季的总决赛,由美联冠军丹佛野马队对阵国联冠军达拉斯牛仔队。比赛于1978年1月15日在新奥尔良的路易斯安娜超级巨蛋举行。 最终,达拉斯牛仔队以27-10战胜丹佛野马队,第二次夺得超级碗冠军。(Randy White)与(Harvey Martin)共同分享最有价值球员称号。 (zh)
- El Super Bowl XII fue la 12.ª edición del juego por el campeonato de fútbol americano de la National Football League y se disputó el 15 de enero de 1978 en el Louisiana Superdome de New Orleans, Luisiana. Los Dallas Cowboys, campeones de la NFC (15–2) derrotaron a los Denver Broncos, campeones de la AFC (14–3) por maracador de 27–10, llegando así a su segundo título de Super Bowl. (es)
- Super Bowl XII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Dallas Cowboys and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1977 season. The Cowboys defeated the Broncos 27–10 to win their second Super Bowl. The game was played on January 15, 1978, at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. This was the first Super Bowl in a domed stadium, and the first time that the game was played in prime time in the Eastern United States. (en)
- Il Super Bowl XII fu una partita di football americano tra i campioni della National Football Conference (NFC), i Dallas Cowboys, e quelli della American Football Conference (AFC),i Denver Broncos, per decidere il campione della National Football League (NFL) per la stagione 1977. I Cowboys sconfissero i Broncos 27–10 vincendo il loro secondo Super Bowl. La sfida si tenne il 15 gennaio 1978 al Louisiana Superdome di New Orleans, Louisiana. Fu il primo Super Bowl disputatosi in uno stadio al coperto e il primo trasmesso in prima serata. Una fase di gioco del Super Bowl XII (it)
- Super Bowl XII (de)
- Super Bowl XII (es)
- Super Bowl XII (fr)
- Super Bowl XII (it)
- 第12回スーパーボウル (ja)
- Super Bowl XII (nl)
- Super Bowl XII (pt)
- Super Bowl XII (en)
- Super Bowl XII (sv)
- Супербоул XII (ru)
- 第十二届超级碗 (zh)
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