- Die Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co) war ein neuseeländisches Schifffahrtsunternehmen. Es ist nicht identisch mit der oder der britischen . (de)
- L'Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited – mieux connue sous les noms d'Union, d'Union Company, d'Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co), ou encore d'Union Line quand il n'y a aucun risque de confusion – est une entreprise de transport maritime créée en 1875 à Dunedin, en Nouvelle-Zélande. Fondée par (en) avec le soutien d'un constructeur naval écossais, (en), elle a été la plus grande compagnie de transport maritime de l'hémisphère Sud et le plus grand employeur du secteur privé en Nouvelle-Zélande. Elle est rachetée par le géant du transport maritime Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) à l'époque de la Première Guerre mondiale. Elle est ensuite vendue à un consortium australasien en 1972 et dissoute à la fin du XXe siècle. (fr)
- Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited was once the biggest shipping line in the southern hemisphere and New Zealand's largest private-sector employer. It was incorporated by James Mills in Dunedin in 1875 with the backing of a Scottish shipbuilder, Peter Denny. Bought by shipping giant P&O around the time of World War I it was sold in 1972 to an Australasian consortium and closed at the end of the twentieth century. (en)
- La Union Company, Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co), o Union Line è un'azienda nata a Dunedin, Nuova Zelanda nel 1875. Nel 1907 viene venduta alla P&O Line. (it)
- A Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand, também conhecida como Union Company, Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co) ou Union Line, foi uma das maiores companhias de navegação marítima no hemisfério sul, e o maior empregador no sector privado da Nova Zelândia. Foi fundada por em Dunedin em 1875, e operou até 2000. (pt)
- Die Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co) war ein neuseeländisches Schifffahrtsunternehmen. Es ist nicht identisch mit der oder der britischen . (de)
- Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited was once the biggest shipping line in the southern hemisphere and New Zealand's largest private-sector employer. It was incorporated by James Mills in Dunedin in 1875 with the backing of a Scottish shipbuilder, Peter Denny. Bought by shipping giant P&O around the time of World War I it was sold in 1972 to an Australasian consortium and closed at the end of the twentieth century. (en)
- La Union Company, Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co), o Union Line è un'azienda nata a Dunedin, Nuova Zelanda nel 1875. Nel 1907 viene venduta alla P&O Line. (it)
- A Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand, também conhecida como Union Company, Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co) ou Union Line, foi uma das maiores companhias de navegação marítima no hemisfério sul, e o maior empregador no sector privado da Nova Zelândia. Foi fundada por em Dunedin em 1875, e operou até 2000. (pt)
- L'Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited – mieux connue sous les noms d'Union, d'Union Company, d'Union Steam Ship Company (USS Co), ou encore d'Union Line quand il n'y a aucun risque de confusion – est une entreprise de transport maritime créée en 1875 à Dunedin, en Nouvelle-Zélande. (fr)