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Number of labeled rooted Greg trees with n nodes.
(Formerly M3096)
1, 3, 22, 262, 4336, 91984, 2381408, 72800928, 2566606784, 102515201984, 4575271116032, 225649908491264, 12187240730230528, 715392567595403520, 45349581052869924352, 3087516727770990992896, 224691760916830871873536
A rooted Greg tree can be described as a rooted tree with 2-colored nodes where only the black nodes are counted and labeled and the white nodes have at least 2 children. - Christian G. Bower, Nov 15 1999
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
J. Felsenstein, The number of evolutionary trees, Systematic Zoology, 27 (1978), 27-33.
J. Felsenstein, The number of evolutionary trees, Systematic Zoology, 27 (1978), 27-33. (Annotated scanned copy)
C. Flight, How many stemmata?, Manuscripta, 34 (1990), 122-128.
C. Flight, How many stemmata?, Manuscripta, 34 (1990), 122-128. (Annotated scanned copy)
L. R. Foulds and R. W. Robinson, Determining the asymptotic number of phylogenetic trees, pp. 110-126 of Combinatorial Mathematics VII (Newcastle, August 1979), ed. R. W. Robinson, G. W. Southern and W. D. Wallis. Lect. Notes in Math., 829. Springer, 1980.
L. R. Foulds & R. W. Robinson, Determining the asymptotic number of phylogenetic trees, Lecture Notes in Math., 829 (1980), 110-126. (Annotated scanned copy)
Armin Hoenen, Steffen Eger, and Ralf Gehrke, How Many Stemmata with Root Degree k?, Proceedings of the 15th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language, pp. 11-21, 2017.
D. J. Jeffrey, G. A. Kalugin, and N. Murdoch, Lagrange inversion and Lambert W, Preprint, 2015 17th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC).
M. Josuat-Vergès, Derivatives of the tree function, arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.7531 [math.CO], 2013.
Paul Laubie, Combinatorics of pre-Lie products sharing a Lie bracket, arXiv:2309.05552 [math.QA], 2023. See pp. 1, 5.
N. J. A. Sloane, Transforms
Exponential reversion of A157142 with offset 1. - Michael Somos, Mar 26 2011
The REVEGF transform of the odd numbers [1,3,5,7,9,11,...] is [1, -3, 22, -262, 4336, -91984, 2381408, ...] - N. J. A. Sloane, May 26 2017
E.g.f. A(x) = y satisfies y' = (1 + 2*y) / ((1 - 2*y) * (1 + x)). - Michael Somos, Mar 26 2011
E.g.f. A(x) satisfies (1 + x) * exp(A(x)) = 1 + 2 * A(x).
From Peter Bala, Sep 08 2011: (Start)
A(x) satisfies the separable differential equation A'(x) = exp(A(x))/(1-2*A(x)) with A(0) = 0. Thus the inverse function A^-1(x) = int {t = 0..x} (1-2*t)/exp(t) = exp(-x)*(2*x+1)-1 = x-3*x^2/2!+5*x^3/3!-7*x^4/4!+.... A(x) = -1/2-LambertW(-exp(-1/2)*(x+1)/2).
The expansion of A(x) can be found by inverting the above integral using the method of [Dominici, Theorem 4.1] to arrive at the result a(n) = D^(n-1)(1) evaluated at x = 0, where D denotes the operator g(x) -> d/dx(exp(x)/(1-2*x)*g(x)). Compare with [Dominici, Example 9].
a(n)=sum(k=1..n-1, (n+k-1)!*sum(j=1..k, 1/(k-j)!*sum(l=1..j, 1/(l!*(j-l)!)* sum(i=0..n+j-1, ((-1)^(i+l)*l^i*binomial(l,n+j-i-1)*2^(n+j-i-1))/i!)))), n>1, a(1)=1. - Vladimir Kruchinin, May 04 2012
Let T(n,k) = 1 if k=0 and (n=0 or n=1); T(n,k) = 0 if k<0 or k>n; and otherwise T(n,k) = (n-1)*T(n-1,k-1)+(3*n-k-4)*T(n-1,k)-(k+1)*T(n-1,k+1). Define polynomials p(n,w) = w^n*sum_{k=0..n-1}(T(n,k)*w^k)/(1+w)^(2*n-1), then a(n) = (-1)^n*p(n,-1/2). - Peter Luschny, Nov 10 2012
a(n) ~ n^(n-1) / (sqrt(2) * exp(n/2) * (2-exp(1/2))^(n-1/2)). - Vaclav Kotesovec, Jul 09 2013
E.g.f.: -W(-(1+x)*exp(-1/2)/2)-1/2 where W is the Lambert W function. - Robert Israel, Mar 28 2017
G.f. = x + 3*x^2 + 22*x^3 + 262*x^4 + 4336*x^5 + 91984*x^6 + 2381408*x^7 + ...
T := proc(n, k) option remember; if k=0 and (n=0 or n=1) then return(1) fi; if k<0 or k>n then return(0) fi;
(n-1)*T(n-1, k-1)+(3*n-k-4)*T(n-1, k)-(k+1)*T(n-1, k+1) end:
A005264 := proc(n) add(T(n, k)*(-1)^k*2^(n-k-1), k=0..n-1) end;
seq(A005264(n), n=1..17); # Peter Luschny, Nov 10 2012
max = 17; f[x_] := -1/2 - ProductLog[-E^(-1/2)*(x + 1)/2]; Rest[ CoefficientList[ Series[ f[x], {x, 0, max}], x]*Range[0, max]!] (* Jean-François Alcover, May 23 2012, after Peter Bala *)
a[ n_] := If[ n < 1, 0, n! SeriesCoefficient[ InverseSeries[ Series[ Exp[-x] (1 + 2 x) - 1, {x, 0, n}]], n]]; (* Michael Somos, Jun 07 2012 *)
(PARI) {a(n) = local(A); if( n<1, 0, for( k= 1, n, A += x * O(x^k); A = truncate( (1 + x) * exp(A) - 1 - A) ); n! * polcoeff( A, n))}; /* Michael Somos, Apr 02 2007 */
(PARI) {a(n) = if( n<1, 0, n! * polcoeff( serreverse( exp( -x + x * O(x^n) ) * (1 + 2*x) - 1), n))}; /* Michael Somos, Mar 26 2011 */
(Maxima) a(n):=if n=1 then 1 else sum((n+k-1)!*sum(1/(k-j)!*sum(1/(l!*(j-l)!)*sum(((-1)^(i+l)*l^i*binomial(l, n+j-i-1)*2^(n+j-i-1))/i!, i, 0, n+j-1), l, 1, j), j, 1, k), k, 1, n-1); /* Vladimir Kruchinin, May 04 2012 */
def T(n, k):
if k==0 and (n==0 or n==1): return 1
if k<0 or k>n: return 0
return (n-1)*T(n-1, k-1)+(3*n-k-4)*T(n-1, k)-(k+1)*T(n-1, k+1)
A005264 = lambda n: add(T(n, k)*(-1)^k*2^(n-k-1) for k in (0..n-1))
[A005264(n) for n in (1..17)] # Peter Luschny, Nov 10 2012
Inverse Stirling transform of A005172 (hence corrected and extended). - John W. Layman
Sequence in context: A054594 A242794 A367181 * A195512 A052892 A155806