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Violengiguar is a Decepticon Emperor of Destruction from the Zone portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Running out of Decepticon enemies, the Powered Masters are forced to battle a reject from The Inhumanoids.

Violengiguar (バイオレンジャイガー Baiorenjaigā, also Violen Jiger) is Legion. Slain on the battlefield by Autobot hands or otherwise deprived of life while desperately craving more, innumerable vanquished Decepticon souls refused to find peace in the grave. Rather, they coalesced together on the dead world known as the Tenth Planet, forming the vengeful entity called Violengiguar.

A demonic force of many faces, minds, and voices, Violengiguar's motivations are unified by the hatred burning in the spirits that comprise him. Now the Decepticons' New Emperor of Destruction,[1] he uses his supernatural powers to command the warriors who will follow him, granting them abilities and upgrades they'd have never possessed otherwise.

In his corporeal form, Violengiguar is capable of separating into three enormous, insect-like creatures: the stag beetle Vion (バイオン Baion), the mole cricket Lenger (レンジャー Renjā), and the mantis Iguarn (イガーン Igān). His true form, however, is ghastly, infernal and vulnerable to rainbows.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Legends comic (1)

In their guise as Dark Nova, the Vok created Violengiguar by merging an aggregate of fallen Decepticon spirits. His mission was to locate a powerful source of energy called the Zodiac for Dark Nova. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two

Zone cartoon

Voice actor: Daisuke Gōri (Japanese)
Kneel before Zod!

The entity known as Violengiguar was a fusion of the souls of slain Decepticon warriors. Zone Part 12 After somehow coming to life on the Tenth Planet, he proceeded to cover the world in dark clouds, blotting out all starlight and turning it into a barren, desolate world. From then on, he would use it as his base of operations. Zone Part 10 Zone Part 12

Violengiguar next gathered a group of Decepticon giants to serve as his Nine Great Demon Generals; Bruticus, Predaking, Abominus, Menasor, King Poseidon, Devastator, BlackZarak, Trypticon, and Overlord. Under his orders, they took control of various worlds and began construction of a "Decepticon Zone". This caught the attention of Star Saber, who mobilized the Autobot forces of planet Zone against them. Zone Part 1

Three Faces of Dorkness.

Violengiguar's Generals Overlord, Abominus, and Menasor laid waste to Planet Feminia, completely destroying the world and nearly killing Victory Saber in the process.

Later, in a swirling cloud of space, the Generals gathered before the humongous spectral form of their leader, who proclaimed Victory Saber to have been vaporized. Following a short cheer from his minions, Violengiguar stated his intention to take over nearby space to create a "Decepticon Zone". As he switched between his three faces, however, he revealed that he required "Super Energy" to do so—which he would have his Generals gather by any means necessary.

76 days later, his Generals attacked the Autobot headquarters on Planet Zone, stealing their Energon Z, a powerful new energy-source. They then headed to Earth to search for the Zodiac, a primordial orb which supposedly birthed all life in the known universe.

Meanwhile, Dai Atlas, having found Victory Saber and taken him to Zone for medical attention, was informed of the Energon Z theft. He was then able to determine that the Generals would next target the Zodiac, and what their eventual goal was: by fusing the Energon Z and Zodiac together, they would be able to create a new planet! Travelling to Earth, Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber put a halt to Violengiguar's schemes, slaying several of his Generals and obtaining the Zodiac for the forces of justice. Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Violengiguar's Generals then suffered a series of defeats against the Powered Masters. Zone Part 5 Zone Part 6 In the meantime, however, Metrotitan had emerged from his birthplace beneath the surface of Titan and was taught the ways of evil by the Generals. Zone Part 7

Violenjygar insect forms.jpg ViolenJigerPhoenix.jpg
Left: Component forms—Iguarn (top), Vion (middle), Lenger (bottom).
Right: True form.

Following Metrotitan's defeat by the newly arrived Road Fire, Violengiguar appeared on Earth himself. He easily shrugged off the attacks of the Powered Masters, seized the Zodiac, and took the Galaxy Rocket, abducting the Micromaster Moonradar and the Autobot allies Cain, Akira, and Emusa in the process. He then returned to the Tenth Planet with his prizes, as the Powered Masters in their Big Powered spaceship form followed in hot pursuit. Zone Part 10

When the Powered Masters arrived, Violengiguar separated into his three insectoid components—Vion, Lenger, and Iguarn—and attacked the Autobots. While Iguarn battled Sonic Bomber in the air, Lenger threatened the Galaxy Rocket and its occupants, prompting Road Fire to safeguard it. Vion went after Dai Atlas himself, and was felled by the hero's Double Powered Cutter attack—losing the Zodiac to him in the process. Iguarn and Lenger, too, soon fell against their opponents. But Violengiguar was not yet defeated. Zone Part 11

In outer space, Violengiguar revealed his true form: a phoenix-like, skull-headed flaming mass composed of Decepticon spirits. Surely, the Powered Masters were no match for this! However, placing their hands on the Zodiac and focusing their minds, the Powered Masters were able to combine into their Big Powered form, but with thirty times its normal strength! The super-vehicle plowed through the creature, leaving a rainbow trail in its wake. Thus, Violengiguar was defeated by the Rainbow Powered Attack!

With Violengiguar vanquished, the Tenth Planet was freed from the miasma of evil he had surrounded it with, and became a true paradise for humans and Transformers alike. Zone Part 12

Legends comic (2)

Violengiguar's spectral nature meant the destruction of his physical form was but a temporary setback, and by 2035 he had been reborn on the Tenth Planet. When the three Powered Masters came to investigate, he ambushed and destroyed them, possessing their bodies through Vion, Lenger and Iguarn in hopes of using their Powered Engines to make full use of the Zodiac. In 2038, they attacked the current holder of the Zodiac, Optimus Prime, only for Lenger and Iguarn to be defeated by none other than the resurrected Powered Masters. Dai Atlas and comrades' new Headmaster bodies lacked the original powered Engines, though, giving Violengiguar an advantage. Successfully stealing the Zodiac, Vion exhausted its energies in a powerful attack on his foes, but Dai Atlas was able to deflect it and Violengiguar's components retreated to reenergize the Zodiac with Energon Z. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2

Violengiguar showed great interest in the energy found in the Three Wise Ones' Gems on Beast. Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. EX (Grotusque) Using the Powered Master bodies, he technoformed a planet into a shell body called Unicron Neo for his master, Dark Nova. As Unicron Neo, Dark Nova assaulted Galvatron II to acquire the Beast Energy he had stolen from the Beastformers. Violengiguar, as the Powered Masters, moved on to Micro to steal its Energon Z and other resources. He/they were joined by Violengiguar's former agents, Metrotitan and the Metrosquad. However, the villains were opposed by the Micromasters, the Battlestars, the original Powered Masters, and soon, a force of Autobot Supreme Commanders from the past. Unicron Neo arrived with the co-opted Decepticons he claimed from Galvatron II, but soon denizens of the Legends World formed a second Unicron of Light to oppose Violengiguar's master. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One

Dark Nova emerged from the Unicron Neo and destroyed the Unicron of Light. He unleashed a Vok Galaman and a swarm of Vok Novaroids to support Vion, Lenger, and Iguarn. As the fighting swung back and forth, Dark Nova impaled the planet to drain the Energon Z, while Vion provided him with the Zodiac. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two Dark Nova transformed into Star Giant through his merger with Megatron while also drawing upon the power of the Zodiac from Violengiguar, but the original Powered Master Sonic Bomber revealed he held a Zodiac of his own. Sonic Bomber Chapter THE Zodiac was only a small fragment of the supermineral that emerged from the Big Bang, and the Powered Masters had collected all other fragments from the universe in the time Violengiguar had been sleeping on the Tenth Planet. The denizens of Zone pushed back against Star Giant's Zodiac-powered destruction with a Zodiac-powered counter force of creation. Violengiguar believed he still had the upper hand thanks to his Powered Engines, but the Powered Masters were determined to reclaim their former instruments. Borrowing the Powered Engine abilities of the Jumpstarters, Topspin and Twin Twist, Roadfire and Dai Atlas merged with them to create Wing Powered and Drill Powered combinations, respectively. This firepower was enough to overwhelm and destroy the surprised Lenger. Roadfire followed up with a single strike of his Z Powered Hammer to his evil doppelganger, and Iguarn was destroyed as well. Roadfire Chapter

With Roadfire and Sonic Bomber restored as Powered Masters, only Vion remained. Dai Atlas could link with his two comrades again, and their Big Powered combination proved too much for Vion's stolen body. Dai Atlas reclaimed his Powered Engine, and Violengiguar's spirit(s) presumably returned to the afterlife once more. Dai Atlas Chapter

Zone comic

The entity known as Violengiguar was a fusion of the souls of slain Decepticon warriors. Zone Part 12 After somehow coming to life on the Tenth Planet, he proceeded to cover the world in dark clouds, blotting out all starlight and turning it into a barren, desolate world. From then on, he would use it as his base of operations. Zone Part 10 Zone Part 12

Violengiguar next gathered a group of Decepticon giants to serve as his Nine Great Demon Generals; Bruticus, Predaking, Abominus, Menasor, King Poseidon, Devastator, BlackZarak, Trypticon, and Overlord. Under his orders, they took control of various worlds and began construction of a "Decepticon Zone". This caught the attention of Star Saber, who mobilized the Autobot forces of planet Zone against them. Zone Part 1

When the Decepticons attacked planet Feminia, Star Saber was there himself to try to stop them, only to be caught on the planet as it exploded. A month later, Violengiguar once more sent out his Generals, and while doing so declared that the ultimate goal of the Decepticons was total control of the universe. As part of his plan for this, his Generals stole Energon Z from planet Zone, then travelled to Earth to acquire the Zodiac, so that "Super Energy" could be created by infusing the Zodiac with the Energon Z. This plan was foiled by the arrival of the Powered Masters, Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber. Zone

Violengiguar menace.jpg Violengiguar battle.jpg

Violengiguar's Generals then suffered a series of defeats against the Powered Masters. Zone Part 5 Zone Part 6 In the meantime, however, Metrotitan had emerged from his birthplace beneath the surface of Titan and was taught the ways of evil by the Generals. Zone Part 7

Following Metrotitan's defeat by the newly arrived Road Fire, Violengiguar appeared on Earth himself. He easily shrugged off the attacks of the Powered Masters, seized the Zodiac, and took the Galaxy Rocket, abducting the Micromaster Moonradar and the Autobot allies Cain, Akira, and Emusa in the process. He then returned to the Tenth Planet with his prizes, as the Powered Masters in their Big Powered spaceship form followed in hot pursuit. Zone Part 10

When the Powered Masters arrived, Violengiguar separated into his three insectoid components—Vion, Lenger, and Iguarn—and attacked the Autobots. While Iguarn battled Sonic Bomber in the air, Lenger threatened the Galaxy Rocket and its occupants, prompting Road Fire to safeguard it. Vion went after Dai Atlas himself, and was felled by the hero's Double Powered Cutter attack—losing the Zodiac to him in the process. Iguarn and Lenger, too, soon fell against their opponents. But Violengiguar was not yet defeated. Zone Part 11

In outer space, Violengiguar revealed his true form: a phoenix-like, skull-headed flaming mass composed of Decepticon spirits. Surely, the Powered Masters were no match for this! However, placing their hands on the Zodiac and focusing their minds, the Powered Masters were able to combine into their Big Powered form, but with thirty times its normal strength! The super-vehicle plowed through the creature, leaving a rainbow trail in its wake. Thus, Violengiguar was defeated by the Rainbow Powered Attack!

With Violengiguar vanquished, the Tenth Planet was freed from the miasma of evil he had surrounded it with, and became a true paradise for humans and Transformers alike. Zone Part 12

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime speculated that the Dark Spark could have been the Matrix of Leadership corrupted by Violen Jiger and unleashed on the Multiverse as a weapon, among other explanations. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/18

The news that Predaking had an organic-looking brain was of deep concern to Vector Prime, as it may have meant "the Violent Chigger" had access to GoBot technology and that would mean Gargent infiltration of other realities was highly advanced. The Chronarchitect was to be consulted. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/02

In Primax 1086.0 Kappa, Zarak Maximus came across the Bio Ranger, Iga. Taking advantage of Zarak Maximus's identity crisis, Iga pointed him towards Micropolis, where he claimed the Micromaster inhabitants had Zodiac energon that could calm the voices in his head. Zarak lost the battle against the Micromasters, but still allied with Iga afterwards, who appointed Zarak Maximus as the first of the Thirteen Great Demon Generals. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/11 Iga would scour multiple realities for recruits to his Thirteen Great Demon Generals. He drew Ragnarok from the dead-end universe the Decepticon had been imprisoned in, and drew Galvatronus from a Dead Universe. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/6/27 Iga personally plucked Puzzler's components out of Gargent 1184.10 Gamma and permanently fused them together, earning him the combiner's undying loyalty. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/7/15 Iga and his generals were eventually defeated. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/6/27

Sideways claimed to know enough about Violen Jiger to not mess with him. Ask Sideways, 2015/07/07


  • Being a giant, nigh-invulnerable skeletal warrior created from the many restless spirits of those slain in battle, Violengiguar appears to be based on the Japanese yōkai Gashadokuro.


Violengiguar's name is meant to be a portmanteau of "violence" (バイオレンス), "giant" (ジャイアント), "Gigantis" (ジャイガンティス), and "jaguar" (ジャガー).[2] The character's creator, Masumi Kaneda, sought to create a powerful-sounding word that embodied strong, savage destruction, befitting a mighty evil and being a long name like "Transformer" (トランスフォーマー).[3] As Violengiguar's name etymology is very abstract and was unknown till 2019, English Romanization of the name was a debated topic for quite some time, with interpretations including "Violenjiger", "Violen Jygar", and "Bio Ranger Iga". The Ark II, published in 2008, settled on "Violen Jiger",[4] the first instance of a Romanization in official English media. Usage of this Romanization would be continued in Ask Vector Prime, which also used other interpretations of the name for different pieces of lore.

An alternate Japanese spelling for Violengiguar's name (バイオレンジャーイガー Baiorenjāigā, closer to "Violenger Iguar") can be found on a pencil board.[5] As this is the only known instance of this spelling, it is likely to be an error.


  1. Violengiguar has a few different titles: the Zone OVA called him "New Emperor of Destruction" (新破壊大帝 Shin Hakai Taitei), while the comic that adapted the episode called him "New Destron Emperor" (新デストロン大帝 Shin Destron Taitei). The TV Magazine story pages mostly referred to him as "Emperor of Destruction", although near the end of the run he is called "Mightiest/Strongest Emperor" (最強大帝 Saikyō Taitei) a couple of times.
  2. "Jaguar" is transliterated into Japanese with a "gar" (ガー ) ending, as "gwar" (グァー gwā) sounds unnatural to native speakers.
  3. "バイオレンスにジャイアント、ジャイガンティス、ジャガーなどを加えてアレンジしたと思います。それまでになく大きく強く破壊力があり凶暴でハッタリがきく。その一言で強大な悪の象徴であることを印象づける。あえて「トランスフォーマー」と並ぶような長いネーミングにしてみました。"—Masumi Kaneda, Twitter, 2019/03/01
  4. The space between "Violen" and "Jiger" is based on the apparent spacing of his introductory text in the Zone OVA (バイオレン ジャイガー).
  5. Zone pencil board
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