1 XXIII. Quintus Curius] The same that is mentioned in c. 17.
2 To promise her seas and mountains] “Maria montesque polliceri.” A proverbial expression. Ter. Phorm., i. 2, 18: Modò non montes auri pollicens. Pers., iii. 65: Et quid opus Cratero magnos promittere emontes.
3 With greater arrogance than ever] “Ferociùs quàm solitus erat.”
4 To Marcus Tullius Cicero] Cicero was now in his forty-third year, and had filled the office of quæstor, edile, and prætor.
5 A man of no family] “Novus homo.” A term applied to such as could not boast of any ancestor that had held any curule magistracy, that is, had been consul, prætor, censor, or chief edile.
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