all in all
adjective as in considering
adjective as in en masse
adverb as in all
adverb as in altogether
adverb as in generally
Strongest matches
adverb as in lastly/last
adverb as in purely
adverb as in quite
adverb as in totally
adverb as in utterly
adverb as in wholly
Example Sentences
“Doc” can be a little corny, a little too obviously like television, when it comes to the cases, but is all in all quite entertaining.
But all in all “The Velvet Underground” adroitly tells the story, elegantly evoking the anti-groovy vibe of the most New York of all New York City bands.
So as soon as I received this new eight-year sentence, I immediately contacted my lawyers and I told them, “If we appeal, all in all, how much time will I have?”
“If this deal will get possibly 13 more district judges through I think it's all in all a good thing for the Democrats.”
"He came in at 15 years old, a really tall, gangly, skinny lad - didn't look like a footballer at all in all honesty," he says.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.