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View definitions for growling


adjective as in guttural

adjective as in husky

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If your stomach is growling for Christmas dinner and you're growing impatient at how long it's taking to cook, Mr Wesson suggests you could offer to help.

From BBC

Prosecutor Lisa Lewis said the dog was " growling" and the girl was "very scared".

From BBC

But some deeper canine instincts are also at work: She’s growling more, noticing more scents and attracting friendly neighborhood dogs at the park, a pack that also seems to silently beckon her.

His label’s first vinyl release in 2022 was a 30th anniversary remastered version of L7’s growling third album, “Bricks Are Heavy,” while the mission now is mostly focused on discovering new acts.

More recently, he could be heard growling "This is CNN", conveying urgency and bestowing gravitas on the US news channel's tagline.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


