adjective as in carping
adjective as in complaining
adjective as in peevish
Weak matches
- acrimonious
- angry
- bad-tempered
- cantankerous
- captious
- carping
- caviling
- childish
- churlish
- complaining
- crabbed
- cranky
- critical
- cross
- crotchety
- crusty
- cussed
- fault-finding
- fractious
- fretful
- fretting
- grouchy
- grousing
- growling
- grumpy
- huffy
- ill-natured
- mean
- morose
- obstinate
- ogre
- ornery
- out-of-sorts
- pertinacious
- petulant
- querulous
- short-tempered
- snappy
- splenetic
- sulky
- sullen
- surly
- tetchy
- touchy
- ugly
- waspish
- waspy
adjective as in petulant
adjective as in querulous
Weak matches
- bearish
- bemoaning
- cantankerous
- captious
- carping
- censorious
- complaining
- critical
- cross
- crying
- deploring
- discontented
- dissatisfied
- edgy
- fault-finding
- fretful
- grousing
- grumbling
- grumbly
- huffy
- irritable
- lamenting
- out of sorts
- peevish
- petulant
- plaintive
- scrappy
- snappy
- sour
- testy
- thin-skinned
- touchy
- uptight
- wailing
- waspish
- waspy
- whimpering
- whiny
Example Sentences
But, now he’s whining about the disproportionate travel his Big Ten team faces.
Not that Trump will care, no matter how much whining his voters do on Twitter.
Standing up for yourself is portrayed as whining or ingratitude, and rejecting convention comes at a cost.
As the Dodgers officially welcomed their latest gazillionaire pitcher to a remodeling Dodger Stadium on Tuesday, the churning of the bulldozers in the infield was momentarily drowned out by the whining around the baseball world.
Instead, what chaps the hide of Vance and all other Republicans whining about "censorship" is the inadequate job social media companies are doing of keeping disinformation off their platforms.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.