adjective as in important; famous
Strongest matches
noun as in person who is famous, important
Example Sentences
His most notable success was “Little Murders,” which began as a novel and moved to the theater after Feiffer was asked to flesh out some of its characters for Chicago’s Second City troupe.
One of the Trump's most notable political advertisements declared his opponent, Kamala Harris, was "for they/them" while "President Trump is for you."
If we are truly committed to eradicating poverty in America, we must carefully revisit the philosophy of Dr. King, Sarge Shriver and many other notable champions of economic justice.
We will continue spotting the notable and unusual names among the crowd as the day progresses.
Washington is chock-full of statues, markers, memorials and plaques that, with a few notable exceptions, are easily passed on a daily basis with scarcely a glance.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.