adjective as in superior, excellent
Strongest matches
distinguished, dominant, eminent, excellent, exceptional, famous, great, important, impressive, magnificent, phenomenal, preeminent, special, stellar, superior, superlative, well-known
Weak matches
A number one, A-1, ace, boss, capital, celebrated, chief, cool, crack, eventful, far-out, greatest, hundred-proof, main, major, meritorious, momentous, mostest, number one, out-of-sight, out-of-this-world, predominant, primo, principal, standout, star, super, tops, world-class
adjective as in noticeable, striking
Strongest matches
distinguished, important, leading, memorable, notable, noteworthy, prominent, remarkable
Weak matches
arresting, arrestive, conspicuous, eye-catching, marked, pronounced, salient, signal
Example Sentences
Today, most of the firms still have serious outstanding matters before the US government, including anti-monopoly lawsuits, investigations, regulatory fights and tariffs.
She receive an honorary degree from the University of York in 2024 in recognition of her "outstanding contribution to society".
Agreement had been reached on 90% of the outstanding issues, but further talks were required.
Kneepcap, which tells the story of an Irish-speaking hip-hop trio, has also received six nominations including outstanding British film and film not in the English language.
“A lot of these people may not be able to fund their outstanding debts, and I believe that individual bankruptcies will escalate in the affected areas.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.